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它为假冒产品的猖厥提供了广阔的市场空间。It provided vast market space for the rampancy of sham product.

假货的猖獗降低了社会道德标准。The rampancy of fake commodities cause the decline of social moral standards.

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这也是“托”在英式拍卖中更加猖獗的原因之一。And this is one reason that shill bidding is more rampancy in English auction.

然而,青少年犯罪现象的猖獗引起了广泛的公众关注。However, the rampancy of juvenile delinquency has raised wide public concern nowadays.

何况邪教猖獗首先就损害了本国利益。Most importantly, the rampancy of cults has first done great harm to national interests.

1958年前后流行的一些观念、口号充分表现出主观主义的猖獗。Some thoughts and slogans prevalent around 1958 fully displayed the rampancy of subjectivism.

另外,这种作弊的泛滥正在逐渐削弱社会的公平和正义。In addition, the rampancy of such cheating is undermining the principles of social justice and fairness.

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如图所示,随着商业捕鱼的泛滥,鱼的数量已经显著下降。As is shown in the pictures, with the rampancy of commercial fishing, the number of fishes dramatically decreased.

盗版动漫产品的猖獗是影响我国动漫产业向前发展的巨大障碍。Rampancy of pirate products is a tremendous obstacle which slowing down the development of domestic animation industry.

现今,由于全球毒品犯罪活动的猖獗,越来越多的地区和群众成为毒品的受害者。Nowadays, more parts of China and an increasing number of Chinese have fallen victim to drugs due to the global drug rampancy.

新自由主义在拉美的泛滥造成了严重危害,这需要人们对其进行认真思考。It is the new-liberalism that backs up this thought of performance. The rampancy of new-liberalism has grave consequences, which needs serious consideration.

中东和平进程的停滞与恐怖主义日益猖獗已经置美以军事援助关系于一种两难境地。The standstill of Middle East peace process and the growing rampancy of terrorism have put the military aid relationship between the United States and Israel in a dilemma.

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作家的正义感、责任感以及社会良知的匮乏必然导致伪现实主义的泛滥和读者与文艺作品的情感疏离。The lack of justice, duty and social conscience on the part of the writers will lead to the rampancy of pseudo realism and estrangement of the readers from the literary works.

战后日本在经济上得到迅速发展的同时,政治右倾化问题长期以来一直令世界各国人民特别是亚洲人民所关注。It is right-wing forces rampancy that induces and accelerates the development of Japan political right deviation and that is a threat to the peace of Asia and even the whole world.

然后,分析日本新右翼活动日益猖獗的国内、国际背景,从而说明日本新右翼势力存在的客观性。Afterwards, by the analysis of the international and national background of the rampancy of the Japanese New Right-wing groups, the thesis explains the objectivity of its existence.

它们的结合会在群众运动中产生特殊的社会动员功能,为解读建国后一系列政治运动的发生、发展提供独到的视角。Their interfusion leads to a special social mobilization in a mass campaign. This offers us a perspective on the rampancy of the series of political movements after the founding of China.

本文想通过对不端行为多个纬度的探究,找寻出科学不端行为泛滥的根源性原因,从而提出具有较强针对性和可操作性的对策。By exploring into misconducts in science from different aspects, this paper traces the rampancy of misconducts in science into their origin and correspondingly puts forward practical countermeasures.