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触摸她的头发。Touching her hair.

他的信很感人。His letter was touching.

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他的音乐非常动人。His music is very touching.

这是一个非常动人的故事。It’s a most touching story.

这是一个非常感人的故事。It‘s a very touching story.

那两根电线搭上了。The two wires are touching.

这部电影非常感人。This mowe was very touching.

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多么动人的慈母的幻想!Touching illusion of a mother!

频繁地触摸鼻子。Touching their nose frequently.

但是我又不好意思乱摸…。But I was afraid of touching it!

这是一个尽头感人的故事。Itas an enormously touching story.

它们有些滑稽幽默,有些令人感动,有些让人愤怒。Some are funny. Some are touching.

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虾在冬天比较没有活动力。I do not like touching live shrimp.

只准看不准摸。No touching allowed while watching.

以下是一则动人心弦的真实故事。The below is a touching true story.

什么工具不消接触就能拿着?What can you hold without touching?

两个表面或物体的相碰或搭接。Touching of two surfaces or objects.

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看到它们待在一起真让人感动。It's touching to watch them together.

速度计接近120英里每小时。The speedometer was touching 120 mph.

其他的雄鱼也开始触碰这些卵。Other males started touching the eggs.