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难道你一定要呼唤我吗,你这不安分的人?Must you call me, you unquiet one?

我动荡的灵魂在你的瞥见下变得沉默。And my unquiet mind, made speechless by Thy sight.

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我看见动荡的鬼魂和他们低声的耳语。I see unquiet ghosts and speak their whispered tongue.

他身穿铠甲,头低垂着,一副愁容,像一个不幸的精灵,深深地叹息着。He bent his head mournfully, and sighed in deep sorrow, as an unquiet spirit might sigh.

等我回头再去看盖茨比时,他已经不见了,于是我又独自待在不平静的黑夜里。When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness.

信任意味着打破限制、摧毁那种禁锢一个不平静心灵的枷锁。Confidence implies a break—through from reserve, the bursting of the bonds which imprison an unquiet heart.

如果顚簸我们生活的飓风,能使我们的主更加宝贵的话,我们的顚簸也是舒适的了。Oh, happy are we if the hurricanes that ripple life's unquiet sea have the effect of making Jesus more precious.

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你克服了对那张床铺压抑不住的恐惧之后,便上床休息,惊扰不安地睡了几个钟头。After surmounting your unconquerable horror of the bed, you will retire to rest, and get a few hours' unquiet slumber.

认为凡由心气不足、心神不宁所致的各种老年病,均可以本方为主治疗。It is argued that many geriatric diseases due to heart-qi deficiency and unquiet spirit can be treated by this Decoction.

迈开两步,向北迈进动荡将来,向南则为无宁过往,向东步回眼下此刻,或向西踏入未知境地。Take two steps north into the unsettled future, south into the unquiet past, east into the present day, or west into the great unknown.

如果普洛明最近的项目按计划进展,那么他多年埋头寻找基因的工作很快会激起新一轮关于智力的争论。If his latest project goes as planned, Plomin's years of quiet gene hunting may soon provoke another unquiet round in the intelligence debate.

有几个夏天的月夜,我会像不安的魂灵,游荡在屋顶花园的盆和桶的光影之间。Through some summer moonlight nights I would be wandering about like an unquiet spirit among the lights and shadows of the tubs and pots on the garden of the roof-terrace.

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最后纯粹的体力疲劳压制了神经的狂热,使他摆脱了所有焦虑不安的念头,于是躺了下来,平静而又安详地睡着了。At last sheer physical weariness conquered the feverish agitation of his nerves, and he lay down to sleep in a calm and peaceful mood, free from all unquiet or disturbing thoughts.