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我们洁身自好,却眼见种族灭绝吞没卢旺达。We stay out, and watch genocide engulf Rwanda.

下次冰期吞噬英国可能只需几个星期。The next Ice Age could take only weeks to engulf Britain.

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随着它们的自我复制越来越猖獗,最终将淹没整个地球。As it replicated further it would eventually engulf the entire Earth.

据说黑洞可以将周围的一切物体,如星星吞食掉。it is said the black hole can engulf everything nearby such as stars.

一旦变成红巨星的时候,太阳将会膨胀并吞没内围的行星,也许包括地球在内。When it does, the sun will expand to engulf the inner planets and possibly Earth.

而在巨噬细胞里,水肿因子还会耗尽巨噬细胞原本用来吞噬细菌的能量。In phagocytes, it also saps energy that would otherwise be used to engulf bacteria.

据说黑洞可以将周围的一切物体,如星星吞食掉。It is said that the black hole can engulf all the nearby objects including the stars.

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这个GRS实际上是一个大到足以吞没几个地球的巨大的反气旋性涡旋。The GRS is actually a massive anti-cyclonic vortex large enough to engulf several Earths.

但是什么东西是可以点燃火药的火花并且能够让成功去吞噬你的整个生命?But what is the spark that ignites the powder and allows success to engulf your entire life?

总有一天,起自希腊、蔓延乃至吞噬欧洲的欧版债务危机会结束。Someday the euro debt crisis that started in Greece and spread to engulf Europe will be over.

恶魔已经在沙漠中四散,将我们安静的海边城市卷入一场大蹂躏之中。Demons have spread throughout the desert wasteland and threaten to engulf our quiet port-city.

洪水吞没了多米尼加中部巴杰优那社区的一处在建的住房工程项目。Floodwaters engulf a housing project in the Bajo Yuna community in central Dominican Republic.

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白细胞游走到损伤区吞噬细菌并通过释放毒素分子和生化物质破坏细菌。They swarm to the injury to engulf and destroy bacteria with toxic molecules and biochemicals.

消费快乐是短暂的,像麻醉剂一样,短时间内会吞没了我们,然后就很快消失了。Consumer pleasures are transient. They engulf us for a short period and then they fade, like a drug.

求你不容大水漫过我,不容深渊吞灭我,不容坑坎在我以上合口。Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up or the pit close its mouth over me.

但是希腊已在巨大的债务负担下摇摇欲坠,而且它的麻烦可能吞噬其他国家。But Greece was reeling under its huge burden, and its woes were threatening to engulf other countries.

最小的二氧化硅颗粒往往会对把微粒吸入肺泡的巨噬细胞造成最大的伤害。The smallest particles do the most damage, killing macrophages that engulf them in the pulmonary alveoli.

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拍摄很有趣,然而那天气象冷得更地狱一样,咱们只能狂灌很多威士忌来度过那一天。We had a lot of fun but it was cold as hell and we had to engulf a lot of whiskey to make it through the day.

为了能够得到更多可以出售的土地,政府只需重新划分土地,把周围农民的土地吞并。To acquire more land that they can sell, cities simply redraw their boundaries to engulf the surrounding farms.

小冰河期是北半球1000多年来最冷的一段时间,间发性的瘟疫与饥馑肆虐欧洲,从阿尔卑斯山延伸下来的冰川吞没了一些村庄。Periodic plagues and famines ravaged Europe and glaciers descended from the Alps to engulf a number of villages.