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俘获者搅了搅茶,然后慢慢抬起头。The captor stirred his tea and slowly lifted his head.

他的捕获者没像他应有的那样彻底搜查他。His captor had not searched him quite as thoroughly as he might have.

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他的补货者一会儿就回来了,拿着两个啤酒杯和一只烧鸭。His captor returned shortly, carrying two tankards and a roasted duck.

截图捕手是一个以计算机上的屏幕截图程序。Screenshot Captor is a program for taking screenshots on your computer.

从长对露西的说明是“宽恕及热爱俘获者的能力”。The captain's caption for Lucy was capacity to forgive and love her captor.

罗冰还是经常受到威胁,其中也包括以前逮捕过她的人的威胁。Miss Tugan continues to be threatened—including, it seems, by her former captor.

战俘应当尽量避免提供任何多余的信息。The prisoner should make every effort to avoid giving the captor any additional information.

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一前逮捕者透露那名人质劫持者突然命令他们上车并且马上离开。One former captor says the hostage-taker suddenly told them to get in their car and drive away.

一个年轻的女孩,拴在性捕食者的基底,逃跑,打开她的俘虏表。A young girl, chained in the basement of a sexual predator, escapes and turns the tables on her captor.

除姓名、军衔、部队编号和出生年月外,他再也不肯回答俘获他的人的任何问题。He could never ever give any responses to his captor other than name, rank, serial number and date of birth.

在南京陷落后,五名中国战俘被日军在城外活埋。Five Chinese prisoners of war are buried alive by their Japanese captor s just outside Nanking after the fall.

如今已经51岁的努斯说,当警方试图逼绑匪头目说出那些英国游客的下落时,那个人竟然还把警察们嘲弄了一番。Nuss, now aged 51, said the lead captor taunted police who tried to force him to reveal where the Britons were.

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我们希望您同意截图捕手其实是一个完整的具有一些独特的功能特色截图程序。We hope you agree that Screenshot Captor is in fact a full featured screenshot program with some unique features.

抓他的人是神秘的维婕尔,当杰森沉浸在痛苦与悔恨中时,她的质问和一些谜一样的话令杰森非常迷惑。His captor was the enigmatic Vergere, who puzzled him with queries and riddles as Jacen drowned in his pain and sorrow.

抓他的人是神秘的维婕尔,当杰森沉浸在痛苦与悔恨之中时,她的质问和一些谜一样的话令杰森非常迷惑。His captor was the enigmatic Vergere, who puzzled him with queries and riddles as Jacen drowned in his pain and sorrow.

但随着死亡人数的增加,绝望的幸存者发现其中一名人质,比犯罪者更加危险。But as the body count increases, thedesperatesurvivors discover that one of the hostages may be even moredangerousthan their captor.

被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘客是一名26岁的英国人,家住利兹。A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had thecheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old Britishman from Leeds.

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报道称,孩童时期被绑架并且被拘禁18年的美国妇女,帮助运营其绑架嫌疑人的印刷公司。US woman, kidnapped as a child and held for 18 years, bonded with her alleged captor and helped to run his printing firm, according to reports.

日内瓦协议承认战俘有逃脱的义务,并禁止敌方处决仅仅尝试逃跑的战俘。The Geneva Convention recognizes that a POW may have the duty to attempt escape. In fact, the Geneva Convention prohibits a captor nation from executing a POW simply for attempting escape.

不排除捕快使用的可能,但在80年代广西民间武术的挖掘整理工作中,这种铁尺曾被列为其区域的代表作之一,门派套路评价很高。I don't exclude the possibility of being used by captor but in80s in guangxi folk wushu digging such iron ruler was once classified to be one of the delegates in that area with high appraisal.