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正直廉洁的人不为金钱所收买。A man of integrity and incorruptibility is proof against bribery.

“清正廉洁是中国红十字会工作的准则,”华建敏说。"Incorruptibility and cleanness are the lifelines of the Red Cross' work in China," Hua said.

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有的连续几代人握有实权,但仍相继保持某种廉洁之风。Where power has been exercised over generations, a kind of hereditary incorruptibility grows up.

清廉的名声是我们统治管理帝国的最大优势。This reputation for incorruptibility is the greatest of our advantages in administering the Empire.

不会腐烂是针对死了的人其肉身在死后没有腐烂而言的。Incorruptibility is the name given to the situation in which a dead person does not decay after death.

廉政建设直接影响老百姓对执政党的信任程度。Politics incorruptibility construction directly affects the common people's trust towards the execution party.

杨振声清正廉洁、平等待人、长于肆应的人格魅力,折射出大学校长的伟岸风范。Yang Zhensheng's incorruptibility , equality and his capability reflected his character as a great scholar and university president.

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党风廉政建设是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要保证。The Party spirit cultivation of incorruptibility government is the important section and guarantee of constructing socialist harmonious society.

那把钥匙就是你自己,就在这个自我的发展、涤清和净化之中,就是永恒的王国。That key is your own self, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

清廉,确实是其品行的一大特征,在言论、行为,以及他人的评论方面,都有系统完整的表现。Incorruptibility is indeed one of his outstanding qualities, which is shown fully not only by his speech and behaviour but by other people's comments on him.

那把钥匙就是你自己,就在这个自我的发展、涤清和净化之中,就是永恒的王国。That key is your own immolation, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that immolation alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

俄罗斯的专职律师助手海蒂史密斯公司,常常对这类官司提供法律援助。Heidi Smith of Russian Paralegals, a start-up that supplies extra staff for law firms engaged in such cases, says that expertise and incorruptibility are two big draws.

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廉洁教育是积极构建腐败惩防体系、切实加强学生思想政治教育的重要举措。Incorruptibility education is an important measure to set up a system to punish and prevent corruption and strengthen ideological and political education of college students.

以大学生廉洁教育为出发点,深入分析大学生廉洁教育的现实意义,提出加强大学生廉洁教育的有效途径。This paper sets college incorruptibility education as a starting point, goes deep into the analysis of its practical meaning and comes up with an effective solution to enhance it.

但是假如一味固持君子的风骨,而弃绝对庸俗凡夫或奸佞小人的教化,又失去了仁人君子的慈悲。On the other hand, if we singularly hold fast to incorruptibility and abandon the job of teaching bucolics and villains, then we lose the kindness and compassion of humane gentlemen.

充分发挥党风廉政监督员的作用,是加强党风廉政建设的重要途径和措施。The full display of the Party spirit and incorruptibility government Supervisor's function is the important method to strengthen the Party spirit cultivation and incorruptibility government.

对大学生进行廉洁教育是高校思想政治工作的重要组成部分,新形势下开展大学生廉洁教育工作,具有战略意义和现实意义。Incorruptibility education for college students is one important part of the ethical and political task on campus , which, under the new circumstances, has both strategic and realistic significance.

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根据2006-2007全球竞争力报告,该国在货币自由、财会自由、金融自由、清廉度、工人自由等方面排名很高。According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, the country has good ratings in terms of currency convertibility accounting and financial liberalization, incorruptibility and labor freedom.