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帕特里克表示,韦斯科金融公司一直都由伯克希尔哈撒韦控股,这次交易顺理成章。"It ties up a loose end that's always been there at Berkshire," Kilpatrick said.

底特律市长夸梅·基尔帕特里克说他正在寻求无罪申辩。Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick says he is looking forward to complete exoneration.

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帕特里克表示,芒格经常谈到韦斯科公司总有一天会成为伯克希尔哈撒韦的一部分。Kilpatrick says Munger has often said Wesco would become part of Berkshire one day.

他将会支付一百万赔偿金并被吊销律师牌照。Kwame Kilpatrick will pay a million dollars in restitution and lose his law license.

基尔帕特里克和贝蒂随后出庭否认发生婚外恋。Kilpatrick and Betty appears in court to deny that afterward has the adulterous love affair.

去年,前市长克威姆·基尔帕特里克因性骚扰短信丑闻而遭起诉,并被判入狱四个月。Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced to four months in jail last year for his sex-and-text scandal.

此前,基尔帕特里克卷入两起案件,面临10项重罪指控、最高15年监禁。Before this, Kilpatrick is involved in two cases, faced with 10 felony charges, highest 15 year imprisonments.

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凯拓的律师们和客户的下一步将是,对此律师们承认将会有难度。The next step for the Kilpatrick lawyers and their client will be collecting on the award, which the lawyers admit will be difficult.

现年38岁的基尔帕特里克因与已婚女下属发生性丑闻,从政治新星变成阶下囚。Currently because 38 year-old Kilpatrick has the sex scandal with the married female subordinate, turns the captive from the political nova.

否认与前助手有染后,基尔帕特里克被控作伪证以及其他几项妨碍司法公正等罪名。Kilpatrick was charged with perjury and other counts for allegedly lying under oath. That's after he denied he and a former aide had an affair.

该报披露的内容与基尔帕特里克此前在法庭上的证词不一致,最终迫使市长因伪证罪丢官入狱。This content that signs up for exposure and Kilpatrick are in before this the testimony on the court is conflicting, because perjured blame loses government-owned put in prison, force a mayor finally.