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您有应缴税的东西吗?Have you anything dutiable?

它们是缴税的物品。They are dutiable articles.

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这件物品应该交税。This is a dutiable article.

您有应缴税的东西吗?Do you have anything dutiable?

你有没有要缴税的物品?。Do you have any dutiable articles?

这儿所列的物品都要缴税。All the articles listed here are dutiable.

不,我没有带任何需要交应征税的东西。No, I haven't got any dutiable things with me.

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完税价格采用四舍五入法计算至分。The dutiable value shall be rounded off to RMB fen.

我买了一幅中国古画,需要上税吗?I've bought an old Chinese painting. Is it dutiable?

请把护照拿去。有应缴税的东西吗?Take your pa ort, please. Have you anything dutiable ?

请把护照拿去。有应缴税的东西吗?Take your passport, please. Have you anything dutiable ?

您有应缴税的东西吗?---没有,这是我的个人用品。Have you anything dutiable? No, these are only personal effects.

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海关按照规定对应税货物实行总担保,先放后征。Enjoy the policy of General-security to dutiable goods, i. e. , release ahead of duty.

进出境物品的完税价格,由海关依法确定。The dutiable price for inward and outward articles shall be determined by the Customs in accordance with law.

假如您有什么需要申报或纳税的物品一定要提前申报并缴税。If you have brought something which has to be declared or something dutiable. you have to declare and pay duty on them first.

成交价格不能确定时,完税价格由海关依法估定。Where it is impossible to ascertain the transaction value, the dutiable price shall be assessed by the Customs in accordance with law.

第三条海关审查确定进出口货物的完税价格,应当适用本办法。Article 3 The customs houses shall be governed by these Measures when assessing and determining the dutiable value of import and export goods.

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同时,商务中心还可以为客户提供投资谘询、注册办照、财务记账、代理报税等服务。At the same time, business center can also provide services about investment consultant, registration, accounting, declare dutiable goods etc.

如果有多个相同或类似货物的成交价格,应当以最低的成交价格为基础估定进口货物的完税价格。If there are many transaction values of the identical or similar goods, the dutiable value shall be assessed on the basis of the lowest transaction value.

纳税义务人在规定的缴纳税款期限内有明显的转移、藏匿其应税货物以及其他财产迹象的,海关可以责令纳税义务人向海关提供税款担保。Where there is suspicion that a duty payer may try to transfer or hide dutiable goods or other assets, the customs may order it to provide a duty guarantee.