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摄影家一蹶不振。The photographer was devastated.

阿米拉·弗里茨是一位德国摄影师。Amira Fritz is a German photographer.

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嗨,我是在纽约市的一名摄影师。Hi, I am a photographer based in NYC.

詹姆斯是CNET新闻频道的摄影师。James is a photographer for CNET News.

贝拉,你妈妈今天帮我们照像吔!Bella, your mommy is the photographer today.

迈克尔是一个众所周知的战区摄影师。Michael is a well-known war-zone photographer.

下一步,请教唐.菲利普斯,一个时尚摄影家。Next up, Don Phillips, a fashion photographer.

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所有这些也是对摄影师的嘉许。All which can also be said of the photographer.

摄影师阿龙休伊记载下这一旅程。Photographer Aaron Huey documented the journey.

泰特先生还担当了官方摄影师的职责。Mr Tait also acted as the official photographer.

摄影师给坐着的孩子们拍了照。The photographer took the children sitting down.

那位摄影师看出她有一种未经修饰的美。The photographer saw in her an unpolished beauty.

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李·萨特可夫斯基是一位纽约摄影师。Lee Satkowski is a photographer based in New York.

一位美国摄影师在第戎附近借了一所房子。An American photographer borrows a house near Dijon.

不过我自己是个滑板摄影师。所以我在这里。I'm a skate photographer though. That's why I'm here.

照片有摄影师免费装框。The picture is bordered for free by the photographer.

三井光一是日本一位专业摄影师。Koichi Mitsui is a professional photographer in Japan.

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赫里是一种通用数字摄影师来自印尼。Herry is a General Digital Photographer from Indonesia.

他自一九六九年始从事新闻摄影。Hu Wugong has worked as a news photographer since 1969.

万林策是来自西班牙巴塞罗那的摄影师。Wai Lin Tse is a photographer based in Barcelona, Spain.