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当然,克雷同样运行Linux操作系统。The Cray also, of course, runs Linux.

可是,对操作系统的需求又把我推回了Linux。But the need kept pulling me back to Linux.

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Linux发行版的下载文件夹可以设置Download folder for Linux distros can be set

不要再来一个Linux发行版本了,“他们会叫嚷道。"Not another Linux distribution, " they'll cry.

fdisk对Linux分区方便实用。fdisk is a handy partitioning utility for Linux.

Rhythmbox是一个伟大的linux版本的音乐播放器.Rhythmbox is an great audio application for linux.

其实,俄学校已于2009年开始移向开源。Indeed, Russian schools began switching to Linux in 2009.

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RHCE被称为“Linux认证中的王冠珠宝”。RHCE is called the 'crown jewel of Linux certifications'.

Linux内核中大量用到了轮转锁。Spinlocks are used frequently in the Linux kernel itself.

要查看内核已经支持了哪些设备,最好的去处是内核帮助文件。The best place to look is in the Linux kernel help files.

Linux和fetchmail都印证了这个观点。Both the Linux and fetchmail projects show evidence of this.

使用Linux有多久了,你的第一个发行版是什么?How long have you used Linux and what was your first distro?

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如果结果是i686,就是32位LinuxIf the response is i686 , you have a 32-bit version of Linux.

总的来说,我们在这里讨论的是Linux系统进程标准的段式内存管理方法。Anyway, here is the standard segment layout in a Linux process

他坐在他的Linux终端面前,一动不动地盯着显示器。He sat at his Linux terminal and stared fixedly at the monitor.

那么,为什么是SAP让Unix出血,又用Linux修补这些伤口呢?So why is SAP bleeding Unix and patching the wounds with Linux?

foobar建议不要点击Linux上不明的附件,当然在Windows中还不要点击web链接。foobar suggests not clicking on arbitrary attachments in Linux.

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从Linux内核2.6.35中,我们也能看到对图形处理功能的提升。The Linux kernel, 2.6.35, has seen graphic improvements as well.

它同时提供可供下载的免费游戏和商业游戏。It provides downloadable linux games both for free and commercial.

测试所在的平台是一个双处理器的Xeon系统,操作系统是Linux。Tests were performed on a dual-processor Xeon system running Linux.