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向我们的敌人致敬。Hail to our emeny.

贝奥武甫王万岁!All hail King Beowulf.

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欢迎小黄人黄!All hail Minion Yellow.

向孩子致敬。干得好。Hail Child. Well done Bro.

都来为这种“机器人”欢呼吧!All hail the the Automaton!

向勇敢的胜利者致敬。Hail to the victors valiant.

我们是你膝上之犬。万岁!On your knees dog. All hail.

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向我们伟大的屠龙者致敬!All hail to the Dragon-Slayer!

首先你得先叫车。First, you have to hail a taxi.

愤怒的话语如冰雹似地砸来。There was a hail of angry words.

让我们向勇敢的胜利者致敬!Let's hail to the valiant victors.

我们这里下了像高尔夫球大小的冰雹。Unit 7 We had golf-ball-size hail.

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好吧。首先你得先叫车。Ok. First, you have to hail a taxi.

他掷下冰雹如碎渣。He hurls down his hail like pebbles.

好吧。首先你得先叫车。Ok. First, you hxdye to hail a taxi.

冰雹猛烈地砸在屋顶上。The hail is lashing down on the roof.

我和我的丈夫都是哈尔滨人。Both my husband and I hail from Harbin.

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它可能带来雨、雪、冰雨或冰雹。It may bring rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

受害者被一阵弹雨击中。The victim was hit by a hail of bullets.

他在一阵弹雨中中弹身亡。He was dead, killed in a hail of bullets.