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这是关于文化适应与婚姻的一项研究。This research is about acculturation and marriage.

更为关键的因素还是在于是否受到了美国文化观念的影响。Rather, the key factor is acculturation to American standards.

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不同文化的相互适应可以通过会话协调来加以实现。The acculturation of different cultures can be realized by the conversational negotiation.

文化适应对二语学习的影响很大,有时甚至决定学习的成败。Acculturation plays great, sometimes even decisive, effect on the second language learning.

这与塞普森的相似系统模式和斯库曼的语言涵化理论是一致的。This is in keeping with Sampson's Approximative System Model and Schumann's Acculturation theory.

从文化适应的角度来看待和分析这些矛盾,也许可以找到新的突破口,当然,这只是一种尝试而已。Vie may to find a new breach to think and analyze the contradiction by the view of acculturation.

每个国家都有自己的兴趣和喜好,而且都取决于每个同化。Each country has its own interest and preferences, and it all depends on the acculturation of each.

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民族认同、文化适应与心理疏离感三者之间存在着复杂的关系。There existed more complicate relationships among ethnic identity, acculturation and mental alienation.

奥世为您的语言文化与职业沟通技能提供一站式解决方案。AuShi is the one-stop solution for your language training , acculturation needs and professional communication skills.

玖、原住民知识精英的族群认同型态大致可分为「涵化型」和「融合型」。The ethnic identity modes of these elites can roughly be divided into ' integration type' and ' acculturation type'. 10.

佛教和基督教在本土化的过程中都曾采取文化适应的策略,但却取得不同的结果。Both Buddhism and Christianity used their respective strategy of acculturation in history, but they got different outcomes.

阐述了职业高中初任教师文化适应的相关理论,奠定了本文的理论基础。Vocational high school beginning teachers described acculturation theories, laid the theoretical foundation of this article.

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本文第二部分是在第一部分理论基础上,对F中学初任教师文化适应的调查和分析。Based on the theory of Part One, Part Two deals with the inquiry and analysis of the new teachers' acculturation of F school.

一般而言,文化适应的分化模式可以分为同化、整合、分离以及边缘化等四种模式。Generally speaking, the models of acculturation may be divided into assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization.

这是中西跨文化交际中汉语文化顺涵化的标志。This is an indication of Chinese culture′s positive acculturation in the intercultural communication between China and the West.

然而,正是那些被它用来进行交流和教化的工具,构建出了抵抗它自身的模式。But the very instruments of its communication and acculturation establish the modes of resistance which are turned against itself.

其中,既有“以夏变夷”的努力,也有“以夷变夏”的尝试,生动体现了中华民族陆海疆域和文化融通的进程,是不应该被忽视的。The efforts of acculturation either hy Yi or by Xia represented the cultural process of the land and sea interaction of the Chinese nation.

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文化薪传,由出生就开始,是把父母的文化价值观与习俗教导给新生代的儿童的过程。Acculturation , which begins at birth, is the process of teaching new generations of children the customs and values of the parents' culture.

粗犷与妩媚,达观与细腻的审美观,自然地使花鼓狂欢作为乡村生活的一部分,并在现代涵化为民俗活动。Boorish, lovely or optimistic, minces are embodied in the Flower-Drum, and becomes a part of their lives, on the other hand as a folk-custom acculturation.

从“文化适应”的概念及其嬗变出发,介绍了文化适应的阶段及其分化模式。From the perspective of the definition and change of the adaptation and acculturation , this paper introduces stages and different models of acculturation.