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巴黎人去塔希提岛。Parisians escape to Tahiti.

塔希提岛位于南太平洋。Tahiti lies in the South Pacific.

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她正在大溪地忙著度假。She is busy touring Tahiti right now.

塔希提同样以它的珍珠而闻名。Tahiti is also famous for its pearls.

额……去塔希提岛旅游,拍摄一个品牌香水。A trip to Tahiti for a fragrance campaign.

从圣地亚哥、智力和塔希提岛有飞往拉帕努伊岛的长途飞机。Long flights service Rapa Nui from Santiago, Chile and Tahiti.

这就是为什么大溪地是个能让人远离尘嚣的理想国度。This is why Tahiti is the ideal place to get away from it all.

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唯一严肃的地方是把塔希提岛奚落了一番。The only serious stress is laid upon the degradation of tahiti.

你想和我一起去塔希提岛吗?“那可真不赖。"Do you want to come to tahiti with me?"That would be spiffy. "

塔西提的奇异对于库克时代的人就如同今天火星之于我们。Tahiti was as alien to Cook's men as Mars might seem to us today.

她怎样才能找到一架飞回塔希提岛的飞机呢?Right, how could she manage to find a plane flying back to Tahiti?

我们从大溪地“攻击号”的潜水小筏跳进水里。We dropped down into the water from the Tahiti Aggressor dive skiff.

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一头山羊在大溪地岛上的棕榈树下裸露的球形根茎上休息。A male goat rests on the exposed root ball of a palm tree on Tahiti Island.

此后,从12世纪开始,大批人从塔希提岛来此定居。D. Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century, this time from Tahiti.

塔马奴来自塔希提岛,因其再生伤疤组织的能力而著称。Tamanu oil is from Tahiti and is known for its capacity to regenerate scar tissue.

毛利人讲的语言与塔希提岛和夏威夷的语言有同源关系。The language which the Maori speak is related to the languages of Tahiti and Hawaiil.

码头延伸至一个被塔希提岛宝蓝色海水所包围的棕榈小岛上。A dock juts out to a small palm island, surrounded by the jewel-blue waters of Tahiti.

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“比格尔号”继续远航,到达了塔希提岛和澳大利亚,比原先计划的多航行了三年。The voyage continued on to Tahiti and Australia, lasting three years longer than planned.

他们是乘坐比小船还小的独木舟从塔希缇岛来的玻里尼西亚人。They were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes not much bigger than small boats.

它的船身是在巴拿马的达里恩省由巧克族印第安人做的,然后运到塔希提岛来。The hulls were built by Choco Indians in the Darien Providence of Panama and shipped to Tahiti.