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约翰是一个饶舌大王。John is such a windbag.

我们也许非常啰嗦。We may be very windbag.

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这个主管真是废话连篇。The manager is such a windbag.

你这个可怜的家伙!大家都知道他是个很罗哩巴嗦的人.You poor guy! Everyone knows he's a real windbag.

你这个可怜的家伙!大家都知道他是个很罗哩巴嗦的人。You poor guy ! Everybody knows he's a real windbag.

必竟,他们不会无缘无故地说你是吹牛大王吧!After all, they don't call you old windbag for nothing!

乔治的叔叔是个喋喋不休的老头,没有人认真听他说话。George's uncle is an old windbag. Nobody really listens to him.

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约翰是饶舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内容的话。John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything.

约翰是一个饶舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内容的话。John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything.

在这里啰嗦几句,很多老车的发动机变速箱底部都糊着一层厚厚的油泥,这些东西最好能及时清理掉,因为一旦发生自燃,这些东西可都是良好的可燃物。Here a few words, many windbag old car engine gearbox bottom paste with a thick layer of clay, these things can be cleared up off the best, because once the goaf, these things are good burnable.