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它是一种个人现象。It is a personal phenomenon.

卢卡库是一个真正的现象级球员。Lukaku is a true phenomenon.

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对其现象应作何解释?How can we explain this phenomenon?

这种现象怎样解释?How do you explain this phenomenon?

这是没有争议的现象。There’s no disputing the phenomenon.

那就解释了这个现象。And that accounts for this phenomenon.

其结果是大规模的垂钓现象。The result was a plus-size phenomenon.

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这条长堤是自然形成的。This long dam is a natural phenomenon.

为什么会出现头痛的现象?Why can you appear headachy phenomenon?

谁和我一样有这种感受?How many people had the same phenomenon?

宋荣子就瞭解这种现象。Rongzi of Song knew well the phenomenon.

是典型的峰林现象。A typical phenomenon of karst topography.

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电极表面的形貌图也说明了这一现象。And SECM graph shows the same phenomenon.

音乐是一种听觉感知的呈现Music is an aurally perceived phenomenon.

音乐是一种听觉感知的呈现。Music is an aurally perceived phenomenon.

宋荣子了解这种现象。Rongzi of Song knew well this phenomenon.

梦游是个有趣的现象。Sleepwalking is an intriguing phenomenon.

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这种奇异的现象被称作球形闪电。This freaky phenomenon is ball lightning.

多色板造成渗色现象。Multi color caused by bleeding phenomenon.

一元复始,万象更新。A yuan of renew, every phenomenon is newer.