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使用“探索性测试”来产生反馈。Use Exploratory Testing to generate feedback

特别是如果你不知道选择探索性测试的话。Especially if you do not choose Exploratory Testing.

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三分之一强的探勘井都是干井。More than one-third of exploratory wells came up dry.

从另一方面来说,探索性测试可能更加特殊。Exploratory testing, on the other hand, can be more ad hoc.

地质勘查工作体制现状存在哪些积弊?。What drawbacks exist now in the geological exploratory work system?

本文对大亚湾海域放射生态学进行了有益的探索。The paper conducts an exploratory study on radioecology at Daya Bay.

2002版转向了基于探索性测试的方法。The 2002 version shows a shift to an approach based on exploratory testing.

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根据我的经验,自适应式和探索式的方法大致相同。In my experience the Adaptive and Exploratory approaches are one in the same.

星期一,保伦提宣布组成一个总统竞选考察委员会。Pawlenty announced the formation of a presidential exploratory committee on Monday.

他警告说俄美会谈尚处于探索阶段。He cautioned that the Russia-American discussions were still in an exploratory stage.

研究表明,新奇玩具对儿童探索性行为的激发是受到环境制约的。And analyzed how to inspire the exploratory behavior of the children in 3-5 years old.

最后针对研究发现,本研究对梦时代购物中心提出行销策略之建议。Finally, the exploratory findings, and suggestions for Dream Mall, are also discussed.

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不能排除胆管损伤者,应及时剖腹手术探查。If injury on bile duct cannot be excluded , timely exploratory operation necessitated.

目前国内在“快速研制”方面的研究还不多,是一项具有探索性的前沿课题。Till now, there have been few researches in RRD, and thus RRD is an exploratory new field.

哥伦布的首航之后不久,英国也了资助他们的初次探险。England funded an initial exploratory trip shortly after Christopher Columbus's first voyage.

当观者感受一件非互动的艺术作品时,透露出的行为是“探索性质的”和“不确定的”。In viewers looking at noninteractive works of art, we see exploratory and tentative behavior.

创造性的工作即可以由个人做,也可以是基于团队的,但主要是探索性的。The creative effort can be both individual and team-based, but the work is mostly exploratory.

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所以这跟探索性测试没有区别,除了发生的时间有点延时而已。This is no different from exploratory testing except for longer time delays between activties.

探索的好奇心来自于新奇事物的刺激和内心的大胆无畏。Exploratory curiosity is the result of attraction of novel stimuli accompanied by fearlessness.

提名计划的上述修订适用于2010年2月5日后提交商业考察的申请人。Program changes apply to all requests for exploratory visits postmarked after February 5, 2010.