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史泼尼克卫星2号带了一只狗到太空中。Sputnik 2 put a dog into space.

不难想见为什么史泼尼克时代那么吸引奥巴马先生。It is not hard to see why the Sputnik era appeals to Mr Obama.

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苏联经过改进的多级火箭把一个重型人造地球卫星射入轨道。An improved Soviet step rocket sent a heavy sputnik into its orbit.

这项技术的使用最早出现在20世纪50年代,用于史普尼克3号人造卫星。The technology was first used on the sputnik 3 satellite in the 1950s.

但是“卫星时刻”这一概念和“友好地竞争”几乎没有一致性。But harking back to Sputnik is hardly consistent with “friendly competition”.

便是用罗马字母拼写俄文单词的一个例子。Sputnik"is an example of a Russian word which has been transliterated into Roman script."

将史泼尼克时刻应用在中国身上的问题是,这个类比并不怎么成立。The trouble with applying the Sputnik moment to China is that it is not much of an analogy.

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1957年十月,苏联发射的人造卫星“伴侣号”升空的后一天,是我的生日。I was born in October, 1957, one day after the Soviets lobbed the Sputnik satellite into orbit.

便是用罗马字母拼写俄文单词的一个例子。Sputnik"is an example of a Russian word which has been transliterated into Roman script. " Sputnik"

这里的房价像人造卫星一样飙升,导致新一轮房地产淘金热。All that new money led to a real-estate gold rush that has seen property prices rocket like a Sputnik.

苏联发射史波尼克人造卫星和尼尔。阿姆斯壮在月球上迈开“一小步”前后只过了十二年。Only 12 years elapsed between the launch of Sputnik and Neil Armstrong's "one small step" on the moon.

在“卫星时刻”这一概念出现之后,美国可能对于技术创新要进行大规模的投资。It may have seemed obvious after Sputnik that America should make a big public investment in technology.

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奥巴马总统在国情咨文中把清洁能源成为“我们这一代的人造地球卫星运动”。President Obama called clean energy "our generation's Sputnik" moment during his State of the Union address.

你可以争辩说借用“卫星时刻”这一概念只是提醒美国人需要醒醒并作出矫正。You could argue that to invoke Sputnik is merely to say that America needs to wake up and take remedial action.

自第一颗人造卫星史泼尼克发射以来,火箭推进剂在超过50年的时间内变化不多。Rocket propellant has barely changed in the more than 50 years since the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik.

在史泼尼克之后,美国人也许很清楚应该加大对科技的投资,但今天没有类似的一致意见可以应用。It may have seemed obvious after Sputnik that America should make a big public investment in technology. No similar consensus applies today.

本设计介绍了数控云台的传动原理、结构特点和功能,并对步进电机的特点作了简单的介绍。The project introduces the driving principle construction features and the function of NC sputnik . It simply introduces magnetic stepping motor.

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美国政府对于太空的承诺自第一架人造卫星开始直到阿波罗号跨越了四任总统政府以及七次国会变更。The commitment the U. S. made to space from Sputnik through Apollo spanned four presidential administrations and seven changeovers on Capitol Hill.

半个世纪之前,当苏联人发射一颗名为“伴侣号”的人造卫星从而在太空竞赛领域击败我们时,我们不知道我们如何在登月方面击败他们。Half a century ago, when the Soviets beat us into space with the launch of a satellite called Sputnik? we had no idea how we’d beat them to the moon.

一位冷战之子讲述了在太空竞赛中居于劣势者的见闻感受,以及在人造卫星升空和加加林飞天之后苏联的太空计划如何化为泡影。A son of the Cold War tells what it was like from the losing side of the Space Race--and how the U.S.S.R.'s space program fizzled after Sputnik and Gagarin