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向雅蜜羞愤的想要自杀。Ashamed and resentfully absence a suicide to Ya Mi.

我和姐姐听了,气得咬牙切齿,愤愤不平地走回家去。My sister and I listen to and gnash, resentfully to walk home.

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无可奈何的王子,就这样悻悻地回到了自己的国家。The helpless prince then came back to his country resentfully.

事情总会有不顺利的时候,我们可以选择的是积极的回应或是消极的忿忿不平。When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, we can react responsibly or resentfully.

这些形容词的中心意思是。痛苦和或怨恨地想要得到他人的好处。The central meaning shared by these adjectives is . resentfully or painfully desirous of another's advantages.

最好的医生将会愤然拒绝服兵役,也不会去做部长大臣们的奴才。The best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a minister.

伏地魔举起了苍白的大手,亚克斯利立刻就没有声音了,愤愤不平的看着伏地魔转向斯内普。Voldemort held up a large white hand, and Yaxley subsided at once, watching resentfully as Voldemort turned back to Snape.

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与其站在旁边愤懑,还不如站在我们的后面支持球队,这支年轻的球队会回报你的钟爱。Stands resentfully with it, the might as well stands in ours behind supports the team, this young team will repay your cherishing.

怪不得结了婚的女人常常痛心疾首地责骂自己,我真是瞎了眼了,当初怎么就把蚂蚁看成了大象呢!No wonder that the married woman often resentfully criticizing yourself that, I was really blind, how initially could I regard an ant as an elephant ?

可发呆当不了死,看台上人都散得差不多了,汉克也悻悻的走出体育场到停车位取了车,准备开车回家。It's useless staring at scoreboard. As nearly all the people had left the stand, Hank resentfully went out of the stadium and got to the car in the parking lot.

把”中重头“任务清理后的满足感能给你一整天带来精力,让你不那么怨恨地去满足其它需求。The sense of accomplishment you feel from knocking off that big to-do fuels you with energy all day long and lets you meet the demands of others less resentfully.

要是他们察觉到有人试图间接指使他们做事儿,他们会感到受人控制,绝不会照你说的做,而会充满愤怒的回应你。If they perceive someone is trying to get them to do something indirectly, they feel manipulated and respond more resentfully than they would to a straightforward request.