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上图是高等级别的煤,也就是无烟煤。Detail of this higher grade of coal, anthracite.

地板覆盖是无烟煤针感觉。The floor covering is an anthracite needle felt.

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为什么我们不能用无烟煤作为燃料?说说你的理由。Why cannot we use anthracite as fuel? Give me a reason.

文章介绍了无烟煤在工业黑火药中的应用。The application of anthracite in black powder is introduced.

到无烟煤阶段,有机态微量元素含量进一步降低。The organic affinity of trace elements decreases further in anthracite.

环保部门要求我们使用无烟煤。We are required by environment protecting department to use anthracite.

宁夏太西煤只要控制好煅烧质量,也是生产微孔炭砖的优质原料。Taixi anthracite with high quality calcining is also suitable raw material.

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直到1916年,美国矿工联合会才终于得到无烟煤矿资方承认。Not until 1916 did the UMW finally win recognition from the anthracite operators.

石油焦的燃烧特性指数大约处于烟煤和无烟煤之间。The combustion parameters of petroleum coke are between soft coal and anthracite.

我看到两个美丽的白色和无烟煤模型昨晚当时很流行的牛排馆。I saw two gorgeous white and anthracite models last night at a popular steak house.

牢头打开门,走向燃烧的煤炭制成的阶梯。The Castellan swung his crypt door open to reveal steps made of burning anthracite.

越南鸿基产无烟煤,现提供下列资料仅供参考。Hon Gai in Vietnam produces anthracite coal, the materials below for reference only.

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炼焦煤和无烟煤的煤质特征与其成煤时代有关。The properties of coking coal and anthracite are related to their coal-forming periods.

石油焦的燃烧特性处于烟煤和无烟煤之间。The combustion characters of petroleum coke were between those of soft coal and anthracite.

由于循环流化床燃烧方式具有一系列优点,循环流化床燃烧无烟煤开始逐渐普及。Due to a series of advantages, CFB Boilers combusting anthracite coal starts to widely spread.

添加消石灰,膨润土及无烟煤粉均能提高尘泥渣生球的强度。The green ball strength can be improved by adding slaked lime, bentonite and anthracite fines.

该腕表有蓝色或煤黑色两种表盘,通过简单按压表冠实现三种模式。Available with a blue or anthracite dial, it operates the three modes by a simple press on the crown.

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石煤的燃烧特性与无烟煤相近,但比无烟煤差。The combustion characteristics of stone coal are similar to anthracite coal and worse than anthracite.

随着煤变质程度的升高,煤层夹矸中高岭石的结晶度、有序度也随之升高。With the rise of the coal rank, the crystallinity of kaolinite and its order in the anthracite bed go up.

无烟煤是一种最有价值的煤,它燃烧慢,烟很少但火焰却很大。The anthracite is the most valuable type of coal. It burns slowly, with little smoke and a very hot flame.