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还是纸坊?Or paper lane?

公共汽车道结束。End Of Bus Lane.

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超车道。Overtaking lane.

慢车道?。Slow traffic lane?

保持在这条车道。Stay in this lane.

车道管制号志?。Lane control signal?

道路内脚踏车车道?。On-street Bike Lane?

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道路外脚踏车车道?。Off-street Bike Lane?

换到右面车道上。Move to the right lane.

当时您在哪个车道行驶?Which lane were you in?

全都是命里注定的结果。Lane life are all doomed.

我住在一条死巷里。I live on a dead end lane.

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我只是换线罢了!It was only a lane change!

不要阻塞超车道。Don't block the passing lane.

在那腌臜巷子的腌臜一端At the dirty end of Dirty Lane

徘徊在小路上。Cows straggled along the lane.

一条通往冥府的路径。A lane to the land of the dead.

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他抄小路快速地走开了。And he strode off, up the lane.

小偷在一条巷内被抓住了。The thief was awught in a lane.

在这条巷子右转。Bucketing over the unpaved lane.