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法律授予权利的正当依据,可以从这四种主体的角度得到论证。The justness reason of investiture of law could be proved from the four views.

他的妻子、流行乐坛巨星维多利亚和祖父母陪他参加了授勋仪式。He was accompanied to the investiture by his pop star wife Victoria and his grandparents.

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第一次授勋仪式是1952年2月27日在白金汉宫。The first Investiture of the Queen's reign took place at Buckingham Palace on 27th February 1952.

1969年,查理被封为威尔士王子的授权仪式在里这举行。The investiture of Charles as Prince of Wales took place in the castle here in 1969. Population, 9,506.

这是该骑士团首次在香港举行公开的册封仪式。It was the first time the association has held a public investiture Mass for its postulants in Hong Kong.

在授权典礼期间,他接受了他的保姆――一位首陀罗妇女煮的饭而震惊了所有的亲戚。During the ceremony of investiture he shocked his relatives by accepting a meal cooked by his nurse, a sudra woman.

他挪动了就职典礼的日期,以便不致于同电视台的足球比赛节目相冲突,因为足球赛是意大利人民最喜爱的节目。He changed the schedule for his investiture so it wouldn't conflict with TV coverage of Italy's beloved soccer matches.

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早上,布什总统参加了罗伯特斯的就职宣誓仪式。President Bush attended the investiture or formal swearing-in ceremony for Chief Justice John Roberts early this morning.

下图即授职仪式现场,因为学校规定,图中没有出现学生肖像。The pictures below do not show students because of university policy, but do provide a glimpse into the investiture ceremony.

她大典服务开始时间将证明是什么重大变化的圣公会和全世界。Her investiture service was the beginning of what will prove to be a time of momentous change for the Episcopal Church and the entire world.

他卷入了史书所记载的“授职争议”,即一次围绕教会与国家之间有关任命主教问题的激烈的“文化冲突”。He had become involved in what is known as the Investiture Dispute, a fierce Church-State Kulturkampf, revolving round the appointment of bishops.

这是一次激烈的政教之间的文化斗争,斗争围绕着主教任命问题。He had become involved in what is known as the Investiture Dispute, a fierce Church-State Kulturkampf, revolving around the appointments of bishops.

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从2009年开始,浙江各级法院还举办新任法官授职仪式,成为一项年度的重大司法礼仪活动。Since 2009, Zhejiang Courts at different levels have hosted investiture ceremonies for the new judges, which have become an annual professional event.

1969年第一部描写王室家庭生活的电视片播出。In 1969 the first television film about the family life of the Royal Family was made, and shown on the eve of the Investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales.

巴基斯坦总统卡尔扎伊在昨天举行的一个特别的授奖仪式上授予中国人民解放军副总参谋长候树森荣誉勋章。President Asif Ali Zardari conferred the award on General Hou Shusen, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Chinese People's Liberation Army at a special investiture ceremony held yesterday.

巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里在昨天举行的一个特别的授奖仪式上授予中国人民解放军副总参谋长候树森荣誉勋章。President Asif Ali Zardari conferred the award on General Hou Shusen, Deputy Chief of General Staff of Chinese People"s Liberation Army at a special investiture ceremony held yesterday."

古老的鼓队经过感恩呼���鼓舞了华盛顿国家大教堂拱门上周六标志着大典的Katharinejefferts•肖服务。The ancient drum beat echoed through the awe inspiring arches of the Washington National Cathedral last Saturday marking the beginnin of investiture service of Katharine Jefferts Schori.

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权力与权利在君权与教权争夺基督教世界最高统治权的斗争中一再地被强调,并因此兴起了对罗马法的研究,确立了法律的权威。The kingdom and church placed over and over emphasis on the power and rights in the investiture controversy, so as to give rise to study the Roman law and to establish the authority of the law.