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加大油料生产基地的投资力度。Investment in oilseed production base will be expanded.

研究了8种除草剂防除冬油菜田杂草的效果。Efficacies of 8 herbicides in winter oilseed rape field were compared.

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油籽开发综合性有害物管理,国际研讨会,2006。Integrated Pest Management In Oilseed Rape. International Symposium. 2006.

以甘蓝型油菜湘油13为试验材料,运用子房注射法将BT毒蛋白基因导入油菜。Xiangyou 13 as materials, BT toxic protein gene was introduced into oilseed rape via ovary-injection.

随着大气中二氧化碳含量的增加,谷类和油料作物可能生长的更快。Grain and oilseed crops are likely to develop faster with increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

其中,以蚜虫类危害最重,全生育期在冬、春季各有一个峰值。In the oilseed rape growth period, aphids had two population peaks, one in winter and another in spring.

用BY-2回接油菜,重新分离到具有BY-2相同形态特征和抑制病原真菌能力的内生菌株。After return inoculation treatment to oilseed rape, the same endophytic B. subtilis as BY-2 was obtained.

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油菜是我国四大油料作物之一,油菜的生长状况决定了油菜籽的产量和质量。Oilseed rape is one of China's four major oil-bearing crops, with adaptability, having high economic value.

“单产可能会下降,”这位世界最大油籽加工企业的负责人说。"We are probably going to have lower yields, " said Weisser, head of the world's biggest oilseed processor.

为油菜育种的研究在分子水平上提供了一些信息参考。The study analyzed SSR recouse of ESTs data in oilseed rape, and preliminarily developed some EST-SSR makers.

粮食和油菜的购买全年在所有有谷仓,粮食仓库的地方。In all the Elevators, the Grain Warehouses the buying of grain and oilseed rapes takes place throughout the year.

赛恩说,至于油籽作物和产品的销售,印度的竞争力也不强,因为单位产量低。As for the marketing of their oilseed crop and products, India is not competitive because the low yields, said Singh.

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19世纪70年代初,当尼克松总统禁止含油种子出口以保持国内低价时,美国出现了这种状况。This happened to America in the early 1970s, when President Nixon banned oilseed exports to keep down domestic prices.

公司拥有现代化的实验室,确保了粮食或油菜品质参数的可观指标。It possess the modern laboratories, ensuring an objective indication of the quality parameters of grain or oilseed rape.

每年秋天叶子红了的时候,查宜弟都要栽油菜,因为来年收获的油菜籽榨出来的油够她一个人吃很久。Every autumn, when leaves turn red, she plants oilseed rape, because next year oil from the seeds will last her a long time.

因此粮食和含油种子的副产品成为未来水产饲料蛋白质和能量最有希望的来源。Grain and oilseed by-products are thus the most promising sources of protein and energy for aquaculture feeds of the future.

就在上个月,AQSIQ说他们现在已经从美国进口油料种子中发现了充足的质量问题。Late last month, the AQSIQ said that it had recently found "substantial" quality-related problems with imports of US oilseed.

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以甘蓝型油菜湘油13为试验材料,运用子房注射法将BT毒蛋白基因导入油菜。Using Brassica napus cv. Xiangyou 13 as materials, BT toxic protein gene was introduced into oilseed rape via ovary-injection.

为从分子水平理解油菜主要数量性状的遗传规律。The study was done to understand intrinsic genetic law on molecular level for the main quantitative characters in oilseed rape.

另外,诸如西红柿,洋葱和水果之类的园艺作物会比谷物与含油种子作物更容易受到气候变化的影响。Also, horticultural crops such as tomatoes, onions and fruit are more easily affectedbyclimate change than grains and oilseed crops.