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有九十个刎。There are ninety.

这种教室大概装90人。The room hosts about ninety.

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角和元分行记下。Ninety yuan, six jiao and five fen.

这里是一百九十元。Here are one hundred and ninety dollars.

吧珥人九十五名。The children of Gibbar, ninety and five.

他们一共是九十个穿锁子甲的英雄好汉。They were ninety heroes dressed in mail.

撒谎嘛就是我九成半会做的事情。Lying is like ninety five percent what I do.

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走一百里路,走了九十里才算是一半。Ninety li is only half of a hundred-li journey.

百分之九十的客户是来自英国。Ninety per cent of our clients are from the UK.

眼前这张印着图像的明信片已有近90年的历史。The picture postcard is nearly ninety years old.

百分之九十的记忆是需要专注的。Ninety percent of remembering is paying attention.

那老者年近九旬,但身体十分硬朗。That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle.

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我的意思是说,百分之九十以上的人都是使用右手的。I mean, over ninety percent of people are righties.

百分之九十九的灵感乃是汗水。Ninety nine percent of inspiration is perspiration!

亚特的后裔,就是希西家的子孙九十八名。The children of Ater of Hezekiah, ninety and eight.

那老人最后在九十五岁时死去。The old man finally kicks the bucket at ninety five.

行百里者半九十的英语说法是什么?Ninety miles is only half of a hundred miles journey.

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他偷走了价值九万美元的珠宝。He stole some jewellery worth ninety thousand dollars.

请付八十八元九角五分。That'll is eighty eight dollars ninety five cents, please.

这次地震的震央在距我市九十英里的地方。The focus of the earthquake is ninety miles from our city.