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维也纳是一个非常美丽的女人,也许第一眼见到她,你便会爱上她。Wien is a beautiful woman, you will fall in love with her since the first sight you see her.

基于维恩辐射定律提出了彩色火焰辐射图像的标定方法。Based on Wien Radiation Law, this paper presented a calibration method of color radiant images of flame.

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这间有家庭经营的酒店靠近维也纳市中心,不远处就是著名的环形道、市政厅以及维也纳大学。A&O Hostel Wien Stadthalle is just 2 Km from the centre of Vienna and is only one stop away from Westbahnhof.

他在文氏桥振荡器电路中使用了一个灯泡来解决调节输出的问题,同时不会引起失真。He used a bulb in a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to solve the problem of how to regulate the output without causing distortion.

根据这一特点,从维恩公式出发,利用最优化方法处理测得的火焰辐射光谱信号,得到了火焰的温度和黑度。Based on the Wien slaw temperature and emissivity of flame were obtained by processing the measured data with an optimization algorithm.

这里的会议设施、小房间、体贴的服务以及四周便利的交通,定能让你举办成功的会谈。The Novotel Wien West's meeting facilities and break-out rooms, the personal service and the easy access are sure to make your conference or seminar a success.

这个电路就是“文氏桥”,如果以文氏桥作为放大器的正反馈路径,那么当相移等于0的时候,就会出现振荡。When this network—the Wien Bridge—is used as a positive feedback element around an amplifier, oscillation occurs at the frequency at which the phase shift is zero.

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情况不再那麽糟糕.一些中小型企业提供了真切的投资良机.即便我对日本的看法有误,我想在这个市场也不会损失太多.There's some really good value among some of the medium and smaller-sized companies," Wien said. "Even if I am wrong on Japan, I don't think you'll lose much money there."

针对2010年标普500指数走势,他预计,"新一年走势将像云霄飞车一般,上半年会冲高至1,300点,随后逐渐失去动能,到年底将回到年初时的1,115.10点.""In a roller coaster year the S&P 500 rallies to 1,300 in the first half and then runs out of steam and declines to 1,000, ending where it started at 1,115.10," Wien said for 2010.

介绍文氏电桥陷波器及其在失真度测量中的应用,提出一种智能化数控调谐的文氏电桥陷波电路。The wien bridge trap filter and its application in the distortion measurement are introduced, the kind of intelligent numerical control tuning Wien bridge trap filter circuit is proposed.

他在接受路透采访,提及周一数据显示美国制造业连续第五个月扩张时称,"我想事态将开始朝着我预期的方向发展.""I think the numbers are starting to flow my way," Wien told Reuters in an interview, citing Monday's report that showed the U.S. manufacturing sector expanded for a fifth straight month.