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船上为何有水密门?Why do we have watertight doors ?

我要装上不漏水的窗。I'll have watertight windows fixed.

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水密门控制器工作。Watertight door control operational.

你们在安装水密门吗?Are you installing the watertight door?

检查水密门控制器并报告。Check watertight door control and report.

水密门的把手坏了。The nob of the watertight door is damaged.

船舱建造成许多不漏水的密封舱。The ship's hold is built in watertight compartments.

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适用于船舶的水密和油密人孔盖。Used for the watertight and oil tight manhole cover.

我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。I want to argue with him,but his logic is watertight.

您知道,我们多希望我们的小盒子滴水不漏。You know how we like to make our little boxes watertight.

就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?For watertight bulkheads, how do you check the watertightness?

请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。Please change this penetrating piece into watertight construction.

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进行水密试验,达到大副满意。Watertight test to be carried out to chief officer's satisfaction.

在这照片,您也可以看到右舷侧,水密门。In this photo, you can also see the starboard side, watertight door.

系列生活污水处理装置由五个水密的腔室组成。WCBx-B Series Sewage Treatment Plant consists of 5 watertight tanks.

用生料带缠绕进水管,以保证密封不漏水。Then wrap the inlet pipes with Teflon tape to ensure a watertight seal.

我厂生产的密封型电气箱与CTG17系列投光灯配套使用。Watertight electric appliance boxes of the factory is used with CTG17 lamps.

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使用云母电影作为甲板节省的重量,很容易申请,是无懈可击。Using mica film as decking saves weight, is easy to apply, and is watertight.

警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的水密门关紧。As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced about shouting the watertight doors.

警报一响,船员们跑来跑去把船上的水密门关紧。As soon as the alarm went, the crew raced round shutting the watertight doors.