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他是普通人。He is Everyman.

人们称之为人人皆宜的车。They called it the car for Everyman.

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每个人都是一卷书,只要你懂得如何阅读。Everyman is a volume if you know how to read hom.

他也是上有老下有小的普通人。He also is to go up have next old having small Everyman.

超凡的思想是不会与凡夫俗子共存的。The supernal ideology will not coexistence with the everyman.

面临突发性灾难,网络成为释放普通人情绪的平台。Face paroxysmal disaster, the network becomes the platform that releases Everyman mood.

帮助大家分享数字信息的市场是所有市场中最大的市场。The market for helping the everyman share digital content is the biggest market of all.

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普通人呼吸,总是吸气时胸部略高、腹部略收。Everyman breathes, always be inspiratory when bosom slightly tall, abdomen closes slightly.

保罗穿着牛仔裤,带着个音乐商店手提袋,像个十足的普通人。Paul was in jeans and carrying a music store carrier bag, every inch the fifty quid everyman.

把普通人在网络上炒红,只是网络推手工作的一部分。Fry Everyman on the network red, it is the one share that the network pushs handiwork to make only.

互联网给普通人带来了更深更广地匿名参与社会生活的可能性。Internet brought deeper more extensive land to Everyman faceless the possibility that shares social life.

至于心理上的影响,社会变化对U计划而言会比E计划更为深刻。As with the psychological effects, the social changes are usually more profound with Uberman than Everyman.

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今天咱们来折腾普通人,毕竟炒作咱们小马哥是有点过火。We come today Everyman of do sth over and over again, acclaiming our pony elder brother after all is a bit ham.

自从在2007年一月写了这个计划,我已经实践Everyman睡眠计划大概六个月了。As of this writing -- January 2007 -- I have been living on the Everyman Sleep Schedule for approximately six months.

对许多美国人来说,整个国家关于资本主义形成的讨论只是类似于在每个人身上进行传说中的奖励的一张彩票。For many Americans, the nation’s rowdy form of capitalism is a lottery that has similarly bestowed fabulous rewards on the Everyman.

对于一般人很难理解幸福的真正含义还有一个原因,那就是获得与付出之间的微妙差别。There is another reason for understanding difficultly what is the ture meaning of the happiness by everyman rest with subtle distinction.

无论是专业的单反相机,还是业余的全自动傻瓜相机,人人都能拿起相机进行创作,记录生活中的精彩瞬间。Taking photos by the Digital Single Lens Reflex or the automatic cameras, everyman can record the precious moments in life as soon as possible.

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但是普通人是看不到他们的,据说只有小孩子纯真无邪的心灵可以捕捉他们的形迹。However, it was said that it was not everyman but only those pure and innocent souls of children who could capture their existence and movements.

岳敏君就是代表性人物,1990年代初期,他开始以戏谑的自画像将自己描绘成云云大众。Yue Minjun was one such artist whose self-parodying self-portraits, begun in the early 1990s, allowed the artist to paint himself as a kind of everyman.

Everyman计划并不会在多少天内来个完全的大调整,而是让你逐渐地适应它。Everyman doesn't cause the kind of sleep dep that forces a full adjustment in a matter of days, so it's something you have to get more gradually used to.