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这一晚完全是一场灾难。The evening was an unmitigated disaster.

你或许认为“雷厉风行,只争朝夕”是最好的办事风格吧。You would think that immediate, unmitigated action is best.

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援助实际上是政治、经济和人道主义的灾难。Aid is an unmitigated political, economic and humanitarian disaster.

听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel.

对他们,也更多的对中国来说,奥运会是一次完全的胜利。For them, as for much of China, the Olympics was an unmitigated success.

我们太容易把自己教会中的分立看成是十恶不赦的。We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.

一个1级的乌鸦风暴,即使没有法术强度的加成,也可以达到840点理论伤害。A level 1 Crowstorm, with no AP, deals 840 unmitigated spell damage over its duration.

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在我看来,任何阻止骑车人繁衍后代的事都是好事,应该加以欢迎。In my opinion, anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good.

对世界大多数地方而言,布什总统治下的美国是极大的灾难。To the world at large, U.S. behavior under President George W. Bush has been an unmitigated disaster.

新英格兰习惯于在文学里说教,可是一味说教,小说就要完蛋。New England was accustomed to didacticism in its literature, and unmitigated didacticism blights the novel.

由于人们的相互联系空前密切,我们也必须认识到这些新技术并非无条件地造福人类。Because amid this unprecedented surge in connectivity, we must also recognize that these technologies are not an unmitigated blessing.

这使他们参与比战士或圣骑士更不稳定的方式破坏,因为他们受大十足的点击偶尔字符串。This makes them take damage in a more erratic manner than Warriors or Paladins as they are subject to occasional strings of large unmitigated hits.

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对各个框架的宣传甚嚣尘上,但是这些框架都没有满足预期,有些甚至因为它们的复杂性而成为灾难。Hype for each framework built to a crescendo, but each one failed to meet expectations and some were unmitigated disasters because of their complexity.

事实是,照顾的过程对于监护人来说也许是偶尔为之的乐事,可对于我们孩子们来说纯粹是一件麻烦事。The fact is that, while the process of looking after may be an occasional treat for the guardians, to the children it is always an unmitigated nuisance.

你一如既往的轻舞飞扬,无怨无悔的零落泥渠,只消一番夜雨,一阵东风,你一世的芳华,就已被雨打风吹去!You always Qingwu flying, unmitigated scattered clay pipes, takes only some night rain, burst of wind, your I's Fang-hua, had been the wind and rain to go!

Eichengreen曾写道,”国内政策的制约性要为会议的失败负主要责任“,“然而,这并非算作十足的经济灾难”。"Domestic political constraints were ultimately responsible for the conference's failure," Eichengreen writes. "Yet it was not an unmitigated economic disaster."

本赛季欧冠早早出局,下赛季无缘欧冠,明星球员前途未卜…本赛季对安菲尔德的所有人都是一个彻头彻尾的失败赛季。Out of the Champions League this season and next, and with question marks over their star players' future, this season has been an unmitigated disaster for everyone at Anfield.

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中国高铁数量已经超过其他国家,但是,对中国而言,到2020年把高铁覆盖范围翻一番的计划是否算不折不扣的好事还得另行对待。Yet whether plans to double high-speed coverage by 2020 are an unmitigated good thing for China, which already has more high-speed rail than any other country, is a different question.

系谱学权威罗香林教授语带悲伤地说,中国几千年所累积的文化遗产,就在那丧心病狂的几个月中。Prof Luo Xianglin, a foremost authority on genealogy, lamented that China's cultural accumulation over several millennia was reduced substantially to ruins in a few months of unmitigated madness.