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如何使用存储。How to use storage.

虚拟存储体?。VS? Virtual Storage?

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超大贮存量。Large storage capacity.

客户端存储管理。Client Storage Management.

维护仓库区。Maintain storage errorareas.

一个例子是存储键。One example is storage keys.

存货倍增。Goods in storage are doubled.

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异构存储阵列。Heterogeneous storage arrays.

储藏磷酸钙。Storage of calcium phosphate.

这其实是浪费的存储空间。This is wasted storage space.

但它只有4GB的存储空间。But it only has 4GB of storage.

存储类型的数据生命周期Data life cycle of storage types

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存储橱柜在楼上。Linen storage cabinetry upstairs.

你可以把任何东西放进储藏室Put whatever you can into storage.

还有一些储存设备的备用件。And some backup of storage devises.

蓄电池正在充电。The storage battery is bng charged.

整件背心有19个储物袋!The whole vest has 19 storage bags!

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所有的锁都要求存储空间。All locks require space for storage.

适当条件下,储存期至少一年。At least 1 year at adequate storage.

卷影复制存储区管理。Shadow copy storage area management.