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FSF避而不谈讨执行方案。The FSF shies away from discussing enforcement.

布赖恩和FSF把这个程序托给我管理。Brian and the FSF trusted me with the program's future.

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最后,对这种炉型的发展提出了一些看法。Some view-points are figured out on the development of FSF.

现在,Cisco无论如何都必须开放它的代码了,而且它必须向FSF捐款。Now, Cisco will end up having to open its code anyway, and it will have to pay out cash to the FSF.

自由软件基金会对双关语有强烈嗜好,而且我以为,这一个看来好象是相称的。这一名字早在我参与之前就有。The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement.

FSF指南建议在Web应用程序的界面上添加一个"Source"链接来指引用户到代码的归档。FSF guidelines suggest to add a “Source” link that leads users to an archive of the code right into the web application interface.

该组织的创办者还补充称,尽管销售盗版文件是错误的行为,但免费分发拷贝则是性质完全不同的。FSF founder Richard Stallman added that while the selling of illegally licensed content is wrong, free distribution is altogether different.

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结合设计实践,详细论述了铜合成熔炼炉反应塔、沉淀池及贫化区、上升烟道的水冷元件之分布与设计特点。The optimum design of FSF lining and water cooling element is discussed according to Guixi Copper Smelter FSF 3rd extended engineering work.

文章介绍了FSF防塌润滑钻井液在陕北油田的应用,取得了良好的效果。This article has introduced the application of FSF anti-collapse lubricating drilling liquid in the oil fields in North Shanxi, whose result is good.

FSF型生产线工作速度采用电脑控制无级调速,使该生产线运行速度稳定,操作简单。The operation speed of FSF production line is stepless computer-controlled to realize the stable operation speed and simple operation of the production line.

事实上,FSF第一次提到Cisco关于不当使用开源代码以引起公司的注意就需要回到2004年Cisco将它们应用到Linksys的WRT54G无线路由器。In fact, the FSF first brought Cisco's improper use of open-source code to the company's attention back in 2004 with its use in the Linksys WRT54G wireless router.

金融稳定性论坛如能扩大成员范围,将可成为更加强大的多边体系的另一重要机构,可与基金组织和世界银行集团共同进行实施。With a broader membership, the FSF could become another important institution of a stronger multilateral system, working with the IMF and the World Bank Group on implementation.