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CDD使社区拥有发言权并发挥其影响力。CDD gives communities voice and influence.

可分为慢性持续型和慢性复发型。CDD is classified into chronic persistency and chronic relapse.

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此外,社区主导型发展模式中的许多要素也写入了巴西法律。Moreover, many elements of the CDD approach have been included in Brazilian law.

从理论上来说,McLean说,地方政府应该位于推动CDD项目的理想地位。In theory, says McLean, local government should be ideally placed to help CDD projects.

例如,一个CDD文件可以被用于调用所有描述系统级测试的SDD文件。For example, a CDD file could be used to call all of the SDD files that represent a System Level Test.

CDD文件可以通过调用必要的STD文件管理整个应用程序的回归测试。The CDD file would manage the regression testing of the entire application by calling the necessary STD files.

在罗马尼亚,一个CDD项目正在提高地方政府和社区团体执行道路和供水项目的能力。In Romania, a CDD project is strengthening the capacity of commune governments and community groups to undertake road and water supply projects.

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McLean说,因此可能需要做大量的工作来鼓励必要的权力下放,以使地方政府能够成为CDD项目的有力的合作伙伴。McLean says considerable work may therefore be needed to encourage the decentralization needed for local government to act as a strong partner in CDD projects.

在此基础上,根据气象数据及采暖度日数和空调度日数两个指标,对贵阳市建筑气候分区区属进行了探讨。On this basis, according to meteorological data and HDD and CDD two indicators, the District of Guiyang City belonged to the construction climate is discussed.

阿尔芭继承了时空失调症的基因,肯德里克认为亨利可能最终走向了一条痊愈之路。When after a series of miscarriages Clare gives birth to a daughter named Alba, who inherits the CDD gene, Kendrick thinks he may finally be on the path to a cure.

例如,在印度尼西亚,世行资助的一个项目将CDD与技术分析相结合,以确定用于农村道路项目的资金是否受到腐败的侵蚀。In Indonesia, for instance, a Bank-funded project combined CDD with technical analysis to find out whether village road project funds were being lost to corruption.

英国政府国家蜜蜂管理部门否认英国有蜂群衰竭失调,指责吸血螨螨和多雨的夏季使蜜蜂停止觅食。The Britishgovernment’s National Bee Unit denies the existence of CDD over here, blaming the bloodsucking varroa mite and rainy summers that havestopped bees foraging for food.

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预测显示,随着各项目被纳入减贫战略和成功项目规模的扩大,使用CDD资金项目的数量将继续呈增长趋势。It is projected that number of projects with CDD funding will continue to grow as projects are incorporated into Poverty Reduction Strategies and as successful projects are scaled up.