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他和餐馆的女老板说话。He speaks with the proprietress.

老板娘在和一个人谈论。Proprietress in and talk about a person.

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并追杀李四和老板娘。And to kill John Doe and the proprietress.

思玉说,“老板是个很漂亮的女人,”瀚峰点点头,没问更多的问题。“The proprietress is a beautiful woman, ” Siyu said. Hanfeng nodded.

艾凡下车走到那家餐馆。他和餐馆的女老板说话。Evan gets out of the car and goes into the restaurant. He speaks with the proprietress.

在电话里,绣球花旅馆的老板娘约瑟芬娜是个很好讲话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

乔瑟芬娜,绣球花之家的老板娘,在电话里听起来是个好说话的人。Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone.

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“是啊,坐不下了,要不拿个炒饼打包吧”,老板娘的建议。"Ah, no less than a sitting, or use a packaged pie speculation it", the proprietress proposal.

古费拉克也多少把那酒店里的东西损坏了些,他同时试图安慰那当酒店女主人的寡妇。Courfeyrac, as he demolished the wine-shop to some extent, sought to console the widowed proprietress.

老板娘走到门口,看来她们已经很熟了,女孩怯怯的看着里面,“今天人好多啊。”Proprietress go door, it seems that they already feel for the girls a look inside, "Today many people ah."

饭店老板娘韦青凤与情夫鲍森昌重金收买游天往杀金正鸿。Hotel proprietress Wei Qingfeng and lover Bao Senchang the large sum of money buys You Tianwang to kill Jin Zhenghong.

老板娘长得挺好看,态度巨好,还养了两只大狗,很是惹人喜欢。The proprietress very good looked, manner great good, but also has raised two airedales, is very annoys the human to like.

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她在信里告诉我,可以向文森特夫人了解情况,那时她就住在文森特夫人开设的学校里当低年级教师。In her letter she referred me to Mrs. Vincent, the proprietress of a school in which she was then residing as junior teacher.

第二个故事描写一间手推车公司的老板娘背夫偷情的过程。The proprietress of company of a barrow bears picture of the 2nd story the process of husband carry on a clandestine love affair.

他又告水保,他“昨天晚上来的”,末了才说,老七同掌班同五多上岸烧香去了,要他守船。Yesterday evening. " Then he explained that Seven had gone ashore with the proprietress and Wuduo to burn incense , leaving him to mind the boat."

老板娘有钱要换法拉利,所以忍痛割爱,看车预先商定,好车不定人。The proprietress has money to want to trade farad profit, so very reluctantly give up what one favours, see a car make anappointment, good car differs person.

一个相似的破裂关系的情节发生在故事“女业主”中,那是一个离奇的、有创造力的传言,一个小镇的店主成立了一个庇护所,是专门为那些丈夫在监狱里受迫害的女人提供住处的。A similar rupture is explored in"The Proprietress", a quirkily inventive tale that sees a small-townshopkeeper form an ad hoc refuge for women whose husbands languish in the localprison.

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范老师问,他们两人之间的沉默已经开始引起饭馆中年老板娘的注意,她坐在柜台后面,打量着几张有食客的餐桌。” Teacher Fei asked when the silence between them began to attract prying glances from the middle-aged proprietress of the diner, who sat behind the counter and studied the few occupied tables.