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或者我猜它是一种统一的象形文字。Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic.

东巴文是中国一种古老的象形文字。Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language.

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古埃及的象形文字终于被破译了。Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered.

其分类有景观石,象形石,画面石等。Its classification has landscape stone, hieroglyphic stones, stone screen.

第四章以异象经验为基础,正式说明德勒兹的思考问题。Deleuze's question of thinking through this concept of hieroglyphic experience.

一个象形文字内的图像是纯綷用作描绘该象形文字所代表的物件?。Symbols in a hieroglyphic are just used to depict and thus represent an object?

几世纪以来,刻划在埃及废墟中的象形文字一直是个谜。For centuries, the hieroglyphic word pictures painted on Egyptian ruins were a mystery.

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什么样的商博良能为我们破译这象形文字,那样的话我们最终能翻开新的一页?What Champollion will decipher this hieroglyphic for us, that we may turn over a new leaf at last?

第四章以异象经验为基础,正式说明德勒兹的思考问题。The next chapter then sets out to explicate Deleuze's question of thinking through this concept of hieroglyphic experience.

帕伦克墨西哥南部的古代玛雅城市,位于东南。其神庙的铭文以其象形文字的碑文著称。An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa. The Temple of Inscriptions is noted for its hieroglyphic tablets.

我以「异象经验」一词来指称这种以身体为中心、同时维持了身体、语言和思考之间异质关系的在世存有。Being-in-the-world that revolves around the body and consists in such a heterogeneous relation is what I call a hieroglyphic experience.

印加人没有发明象形文字,不像玛雅人,而印加的艺术工匠即便画过君王的肖像,也已遗失殆尽。The Inca had no system of hieroglyphic writing, as the Maya did, and any portraits that Inca artists may have made of their rulers were lost.

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军事标图系统中将军标分为规则、非规则和象形军标、及队号和常用符号。In military plotting system, military plotting can be fallen into rule, non-rule and hieroglyphic military plotting, queue number and sign in common use.

就历时观点而言,德勒兹的思考问题以其异象经验为基础,后者则是针对意向经验的批判。Diachronically , Deleuze's question of thinking is based on his concept of hieroglyphic experience, which is a radical critique of Heidegger's concept of intentional experience.

映入她的眼帘,虽然她对于收音机的了解,比对南加州的还要少,不过这两者都有一种,如同象形文字的意味,有一种隐蔽的,想要沟通的意图。Though she knew even less about radios than about southern Californians, there were to both outward patterns a hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning, of an intent to communicate.

可以说,甲骨文这一类文字在成型前,肯定像岩画由写实走向抽象一样,经过了漫长的过程。So to speak, there are certain parallels between the long hard formation of Hieroglyphic Writing and the one of Petroglyph, from substance & things – image & picture – symbol & sign.

其亚述藏品成了解读楔形文字的基础。而“罗塞塔石”的获得使得埃及象形文字之谜得以破解。Its Assyrian collections formed the basis for the decipherment of cuneiform just as the acquisition of the Rosetta Stone has resulted in the unlocking of Egyptian hieroglyphic script.

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图坦卡蒙的珠宝设计有埃及展翼鹰的特征,是人头鸟身的形象,象形文字的符号刻在伸展的爪上。An Egyptian spread-eagle device is featured in the treasure of Tut-ankh-amoun which has a bird's body with a human head, and in which hieroglyphic symbols are held in the outstretched talons.