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但在他悲伤地清醒之中,却深藏着空虚。But hollow in his sad sobriety.

如果你做金融,那麽手表除了传递时间资讯以外,还必须传递一种稳重感。If you're in finance, sobriety is all your watch must offer beyond the time.

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也许这可以帮助你找到能令你清醒一点的数据灯柱。Maybe that can help you approach the data lamppost with a bit more sobriety.

那一百名武士都是品行端正,绝不胡作非为的。The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.

那一百名武士都是品行端正,绝不胡作非为的。The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.

我们一开始假定的情景,融合了趣味性和严肃性。The hypotheticals which we began, with their mix of playfulness and sobriety.

他看起来很享受戒毒带来的冷静,但我学会了给自己的乐观打预防针。He seems emphatically committed to his sobriety , but I have learned to check my optimism.

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清明是鬼节之一,百鬼出没,插柳自然是辟邪了。Sobriety is one of the Ghost Festival, demons, nature is capable of warding off evil into willow.

他确实是个轻率、浮躁的少年,举止随便,嬉皮笑脸。He was indeed a thoughtless, giddy youth, with little sobriety in his manners, and less in his countenance.

正如我们刚举的例子,那些严肃而又不乏趣味的假设性问题。That's how those examples worked, the hypotheticals with which we began with their mix of playfulness and sobriety.

该项研究的作者认为,对于未醉测试还需要进行更多经过同行评议的研究,另外公认的标准也应该建立起来。The author suggests that sobriety tests need to be subject to more peer-reviewed studies and established norms be set.

砚是“四件宝”被誉为头,其庄重、典雅已经历了时间的流逝。The ink slab is the reputed head of the 'four treasures', for its sobriety and elegance has endured the passage of time.

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原来的西方安格鲁·撒克逊清教徒们以吝啬出名,他们把孩子送到斯巴达的寄宿学校,坚持节俭。The old WASPs were notoriously cheap, sent their children to Spartan boarding schools, and insisted on financial sobriety.

他在新年前夜,离开亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市一间夜总会不久因未能通过酒测而被捕。He was arrested on New Year's Eve, shortly after leaving a Scottadale, Arizona nightclub and failing a field sobriety test.

祖宗们的字,就是以错误的字形字音区别错误的字属,“第一次清醒”仍是不清醒的了。The ancestor character, is by the mistake glyph pronunciation difference wrong character, "the first sobriety" still was not sober.

倘若艾米真的接受了治疗并终生保持清醒,很多人都不会从她身上获得潜在收益。So there are a lot of people who potentially would not have benefitted from Amy Winehouse committing to rehab and a life of sobriety.

安提约古心中也很难受,深表哀怜,回想死者的贤能端庄,不禁泪下。Antiochus therefore was grieved in his mind for Onias, and being moved to pity, shed tears, remembering the sobriety and modesty of the deceased.

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名人新闻网TMZ.com报道,凯里交通违章而被拦下,没有通过现场酒精测试而被逮捕。Celebrity news website reported that Kerry was stopped for a traffic violation and placed under arrest after failing a field sobriety test.

她还说,尽管在选举之夜“不想制造严肃气氛”,但“工作现在就要开始”,她的首要任务就是“保住工作岗位”。She added that although she "didn't want to encourage sobriety" on election night, "the work starts now" and that her priority was to "secure jobs".

瑞士银行希望其零售银行业务员工穿着深灰色、黑色或海军蓝西装,因为这些颜色“代表能力、庄重和冷静”。The bank expects its retail banking staff to wear suits in dark gray, black or navy blue, since these colors 'symbolize competence, formalism and sobriety.