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沉默是一种情感放逐。Silence is a form of emotional banishment.

避免遭受驱逐对我们很重要。Avoiding banishment would be important to us.

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有什么新的理由要这样隔离呢?Is there some new reason for this banishment?

各地军官一致同意免贱充军。Around the officer agreed to free base banishment.

周后等悉捐珠宝,资充军需。Weeks later, etc, were donated to banishment jewelry.

如果被流放到这个国家,我宁可去死。Death would be preferable to banishment in such a country.

这位年老的国王在流放了十年以后又重掌政权。The old king returned to power after ten years' banishment.

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你难道没有体验过被父母放逐吗?For have you not experienced the banishment of your own parents?

脱离情人就是自我解脱,极度地放纵。Absence from those we love is self from self a deadly banishment.

我们可以追溯到最早的时代,追溯到从伊甸乐园流放出来的时代。We may go back to the earliest time, to the banishment from the Garden of Eden.

我很快把妈妈这种放逐的行为解释成了我自己深思熟虑的自我放逐。I quickly translated her act of banishment into my own deliberate act of self-exile.

通过法律途径依旧能追溯这些评论家的罪责,结果可能令他们破产或者被放逐。Critics can still be pursued through the courts, leading to possible bankruptcy and banishment.

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近期苹果对Flash技术的放弃则表明了这种特殊地位可能不会长久。Flash’s banishment from Apple suggests that this exceptional position may not last much longer.

曾经数世纪,海南岛仅仅是作为一个流放犯人,诗人及政治犯的地方。Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals, exiled poets and political undesirables.

在某些情况下,这种状态会立即遭到死亡的惩罚,轻则也是流放。Under certain conditions, such a status is immediately punishable by death or in lesser cases, banishment.

而且,如果我们不为自己建立一个家的轮廓,那么我们就有被流放的危险,甚至我们意识不到这是一种流浪。And yet, if we do not create home structures for ourselves, we risk exile that we do not even recognize as banishment.

很多年以来,海南岛仅仅是作为一个流放犯人,诗人及政治犯的地方。For centuries Hainan Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals exiled poets and political undesirables.

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在传统的五刑制中,流刑处于降死一等的重刑地位。Within the traditional system of five punishments, banishment was a severe sentence second only to a sentence of death.

已经数世纪,海南岛仅仅是作为一个充军监犯,诗人及犯的地方。For centuries Hainan Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals, exiled poets and political undesirables.

曾经数世纪,海南岛仅仅是作为一个流放犯人,诗人及政治犯的地方。For centuries Hainan Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals, exiled poets and political undesirables.