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我是一手同花。I got a flush.

冲洗所有测试旋塞。A. Flush all test cocks.

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快去冲厕所!Go flush the toilet now!

一个同花顺让我赢了这副牌。I won with my club flush.

抽水马桶不放水了。The toilet doesn’t flush.

嵌入式安装在驾控台。Flush type install in WHC.

脸红一直红到眉梢。A flush mounts to the brow.

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门框或窗框的直立的边柱。The door is flush with the casing.

河水齐岸。The river is flush with its banks.

一阵恐慌使得她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。A flush of alarm prickled her skin.

我用一手同花顺赢了这把牌。I had a flush to win the card game.

她由于激动脸开始发红。She began to flush with excitement.

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门框或窗框的直立的边柱。The door fits flush into its frame.

我们能够改为双冲的。We can change it to a double flush.

同花顺大量清水冲洗。Flush with copious amounts of water.

喝酒后他那晒黑的皮肤透出了红色。His tan was pinked by a liquor flush.

把这些理论都冲到下水道里去吧!Flush all those theories down the drain.

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安装一个贮水量小的抽水马桶。Install a flush toilet with small pondage.

灯架的安装与天花板齐平。Light frames are flush mounted to ceiling.

用于轮胎时,请先洗净泥垢。For the tires, please flush the dust first.