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他不应该去特殊学校学怎么翻修轮胎。He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

他不会去什么特殊学校学习怎样翻新轮胎。He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

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为航空胎翻新项目选址及筛选投资合作伙伴,开展项目可行性研究。Conducted location ion, investor ion business feasibility study for the aviation retread project.

简要介绍了轮胎翻新工艺,及其通用设备和技术指标。Briefly introduces new process of producing retread tire and general equipment and technical target.

工厂专注生产预硫化胎面胶、补片、硫化罐密封胶条、磨片磨具等翻胎用配件。Xinkeyi specializes in production of precured tread rubber, tire patch, grinding equipment , etc of retread with accessories.

但我儿子福雷斯应该和其它人一样得到机会,他不该去特殊学校,学怎么翻修轮胎。But my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

当时这辆汽车载着越南裔美国人前往密苏里州参加一个宗教节日,结果一边车胎爆裂,冲下了护栏。安检人员称爆裂的轮胎曾非法翻修。The bus carrying Vietnamese-Americans to a religious festival in Missouri, smashed into a guardrail after blowing a tire that safety inspectors say was an illegal retread.

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在一个轮胎爆炸后,车子冲坏了护栏。安全调查者说这轮胎是非法的翻修。The bus carrying Vietnamese-Americans to a religious festival in Missouri, smashed into a guardrail after blowing a tire that safety inspectors say was an illegal retread.

他可能学东西比较慢,但我的孩子福勒斯特也要和别人一样享有平等机会,他不去什么特殊学校去学习怎么翻新轮胎。He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy, Forrest, is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

此系列直到6月才问世,但其每一页画面都非常有个性,故事走经典路线,老少咸宜,同时又不会让人产生雷同感。The strip’s only been around since June, but the personality just jumps out of every panel and the story has a classic, all-ages approach without feeling like a retread of a newspaper comic.

新科亿具有十几年的预硫化胎面胶及轮胎翻新配件的生产经验,引进先进的工艺和设备,与国内众多大型轮胎翻新生产企业保持合作关系。Xinkeyi with more than 10 years of retread rubber production and application of experience, introduce advanced technology and equipment, have the cooperation relations with many tires enterprise.

我们的业务范围包括轮胎的设计、生产以及轿车、轻型卡车、中型卡车、摩托车和赛车轮胎的销售,并在轮胎置换领域提供相关产品。Our business includes design, manufacture and sales of passenger car , light truck, medium truck, motorcycle and racing tires, as well as tread rubber and related equipment for the retread industry.