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歧路亡羊。A lamb goes astray on a forked road.

安用叉子叉起些鱼肉送入口中。Ann forked some fish into her mouth.

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叉形物或关节的分支。One of the branches of a forked or jointed object.

贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.

教皇只是另一枚卒子,他语带双关。The Pope is just another pawn, he speaks with a forked tongue.

高速公路在此分叉了,他选择了那条泥路。The highway forked off on to a clay road and he turned on to it.

树熊在树顶的枝丫上舒舒服服地歇息。They were all nestled in forked branches at the tops of the trees.

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它也是在被暴力挟持的情况下才无奈选择付钱。It forked money over only when faced with the prospect of violence.

她用晾衣杆叉住萨米的脖子,把它摁在地上。She put the forked end over Samie's neck and pinned him to the ground.

我们站在进森林的叉路口犹豫不决。We stood undecided at a parting of the ways where a forest path forked.

叉形器的所有者以贾湖先民中具有较高社会地位的男性为主。The owner of these forked instruments were mainly male with high social status.

鸟的颈部和胸脯之前呈叉形的骨头被称为“如愿骨”。The forked bone that lies between the neck and breast of a bird is called the wishbone.

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分叉的分为两部分或两枝的,如某些花的丫型花柱。Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.

叉状闪电刺穿了温杜的身体,从体内投射出刺眼的光芒。The forked bolts of lightning penetrated Mace's body, illuminating his form from within.

他还补充说,龙有叉形的舌头,所以人们认为龙不诚实。He added that people think of dragons as being dishonest because of their forked tongues.

波涛汹涌如山,闪电象一把叉子似地划破了漆黑的云层。The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning.

其实,如愿骨就是取自家禽胸部的分叉状骨头,也就是人们所熟知的叉骨。The wishbone is actually the forked bone from a fowl's breast, better known as the " furcula".

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鸟胸的叉骨,如愿骨大多数鸟胸骨前部的叉形骨,因锁骨合并形成的。The forked bone anterior to the breastbone of most birds, formed by the fusion of the clavicles.

它在马克身上爬行,并对他吐出分岔的舌信,汗珠从马克的额头上滴落。It slithered around, and sweat rolled down his forehead as it poked its forked tongue towards him.

拿一个分叉树枝,然后把它楔入地面一英尺神,“Y”型树枝要朝上。Take a forked tree branch and wedge it into the ground about a foot deep, with the "Y" pointing up.