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天空增强了自己对这项运动的控制,但也出了最高价。Sky has increased its stranglehold on the game, but has paid top dollar.

黑暗势力现在步履蹒跚,他们曾经强大的对你们世界控制力正在滑落。The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping.

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少数几家大公司对这种不可或缺的日用品的生产给予箝制。A few large firms have a stranglehold on the production of this essential commodity.

他紧抓总统大权使这个中非国家相当稳定。The president's stranglehold on power has given the Central African country a certain stability.

这使中国能源供应上具有潜在束缚力,所以不难理解的积极开采。That gives China a potential stranglehold on supply, a position it is understandably happy to exploit.

如果你发现你的竞争对手已经牢牢占据了市场,那么这绝对是一件好事情。When you find a “competitor” who seems like they have a stranglehold of the marketplace that’s a good thing.

但是贪婪的执行者则受限于箝制内容的愿望,消费者并不愿意参与他们制定的游戏。But the greedy execs wanted to put a stranglehold on content, and the consumer just didn't want to play their game.

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当高盛信誓旦旦表示要打破德意志银行对本土巨头公司的垄断时,其德国员工对此讪笑不已。When Goldman said it wanted to break Deutsche Bank's stranglehold on Germany's biggest corporations, local staff laughed.

可在没有那样的危机时,精通此道的媒体对选民们的头脑操控如此强大,因而难以打破。Without such a crisis, however, the stranglehold of manipulative media on the minds of the voters is too strong to be broken.

俄罗斯的碳酸钾生产公司的合并之所以令中国担忧,是因为他们将会垄断这一重要商品的供应。Thus the Russian potash merger worried Chinese regulators that foreign producers would get a stranglehold over a vital commodity.

中国将国外专利权与知识产权视为束缚,并试图与其抗争,其中也出现了一些小问题。China's attempts to fight what it sees as the stranglehold of foreign patents and intellectual property rights have also had hiccups.

这位西斯黑暗尊主马上对莫蒂实施隔空锁喉,让这位上将尝尝原力的真正威力。The Dark Lord of the Sith quickly educated Motti as to the Force's true power by inflicting a telekinetic stranglehold on the admiral.

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微软就设法利用其在PC操作系统方面的强势,在文字处理和表单领域牢牢控制着市场。Microsoft managed to leverage its strength in PC operating systems into a stranglehold over the word-processing and spreadsheet applications.

他希望解除他所说的教师工会在政治问题的枷锁,因为后者反过来压制了教师责任感。He wants to undo the stranglehold he says the teachers unions have on politics, which in turn prevent teachers from becoming more accountable.

各相关国家领导人都认为,联合国的支持是攻破索马里中南部饥荒地区中青年党据点的关键条件。The leaders see United Nations support as the key to breaking al-Shabab's stranglehold on famine-ravaged regions of south and central Somalia.

然而,他关心的是如果蓝军的压制在接下来的数年里不能得到有效降低的话,那么球队的新鲜活力将被耗干了。However, he is concerned that if the Blues' stranglehold is not loosened over the next few years, the lifeblood will be drained out of the game.

一方面,这说明了美国决策者的鲁莽,竟然在这么一个不靠谱的政权得到了某种关键材料的供应地位时屁事儿没干。On one side, the affair highlights the fecklessness of U.S. policy makers, who did nothing while an unreliable regime acquired a stranglehold on key materials.

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哈佛大学图书馆馆长校罗伯特·多恩顿说,“它将是挣脱商业出版束缚、走向免费学术资源的第一步,使得大家都能免费利用我们学校的知识库。”It will be a first step toward freeing scholarship from the stranglehold of commercial publishers by making it freely available on our own university repository.

这一战略逐渐软化了赫尔姆斯的抵制,使这位北卡罗来纳州出名坏脾气的老政治家终于有可能放弃其对联合国经费的财政扼杀主张。Over time, the strategy softened Helms' resistance, setting the stage for the curmudgeonly North Carolina politician to end his financial stranglehold on the U.N.

这些场外因素自然影响到了蓝军近年来的战绩,与此同时曼联则逐渐重建了球队在英格兰的霸主地位。Problems off the field have inadvertently affected results on it, with the Blues having seen Manchester United re-establish their stranglehold on English football.