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其次,看电视影响我们的成绩。Apart from these, watching TV will make us dissocial.

孤僻的男子在感情前低下了他高傲的头!The dissocial man lowers his head with superiority to the love!

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整样让一个孤僻的人变回原有的快乐?Does the person that does appearance to make dissocial go an original joy?

心理自闭、孤僻、空虚、忧郁、偏激、自卑怎么办?Is psychology shut oneself, dissocial , empty, blue, extreme, self-abased how to do?

过度压抑.孤僻或精神崩溃会导致自杀吗?Excessive and depressive. Dissocial or does spirit break down can you bring about the suicide?

比较普遍的表现是孤僻、固执,对周围人缺乏信任,甚至怀有敌意。More general performance is dissocial , obstinate, right all round the person lacks credit, have hostility even.

对行为孤僻、退缩、情感淡漠的慢性精神分裂症有促使精神活跃的作用。Dissocial to behavior, shrink back, the chronic schizophrenia with dim affection has urge the action with active drive.

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口才又不好,不懂得如何表达自己的意思,经常被别人误会孤僻高傲。Eloquence bad, do not understand the meaning that how conveys oneself, often be misunderstood by others dissocial and arrogant.

心理问题表现为手术愿望强烈、对手术期望过高、羞涩、焦虑、孤僻等。Psychological problems were strong desire for operation, too much expectation from surgery, shyness, anxiety and dissocial psychology.

对孤僻懒散的患者,应督促其参加简单的文体活动,避免终日卧床。To dissocial and slack patient, should supervise and urge its attend simple recreational and sports activities, avoid lie in bed all day.

还有,看电视也容易使人自闭,我认为多参加一些户外活动比较好。Apart from these, watching TV will make us dissocial . I think that we'd better take part in some outdoor activities instead of watching TV.

此时病人言语内容贫乏,孤僻内向,社会功能严重受损,形成一种特殊的“痴呆”状态。The patient is right now verbal sterility, dissocial and indrawn, social function is damaged badly, form a kind special " gawkish " condition.

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长期失眠,有幻听,幻视,行为孤僻,不愿与任何人交流。这算是精神分裂的前期症状吗?Long-term insomnia, have phonism, photism, behavior is dissocial , do not wish to communicate with anybody. Is this the early days symptom that spirit breaks up?