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打开心欣赏每一刹那的新奇与意趣。Be open to the newness and significance of each moment.

评估标的物为旧房时,成新率对评估值的影响要确定权数。The newness rate is crucial When the subject is an old house.

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对新颖的渴望是设计的生命和新生。The design lives and regenerates through the desire of newness.

婚姻的一个可笑之处是新鲜感马上就没有了。The funny thing about marriage is that the newness soon wears off.

嘉莉选中这套新居,是因为它建筑新颖,木建部分色彩。Carrie picked out the new abode because of its newness and bright wood-work.

养生绝技,内调外护,容颜更新,健康安全。Skills of living, Ultimate body effect, Newness appearance, Healthy & safety.

成为俚语的必要条件是有一种常新的感觉。In order for slang to be slangy, it has to have a feeling of perpetual newness.

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部署到外国去打仗导致了他们极大的新奇感。Deployment to a foreign country to wage a war entails newness to the nth degree.

在本文中我还想接着这个主题,新的开始,新的改变。Today I’d like to continue on the theme of newness and fresh changes with this companion piece.

在非累积的情况下,判明理论的经验新奇性协调力和经验一致性协调力是完全可行的。In condition of non-accumulation, it is feasible to judge empirical identity and empirical newness.

选任新人不能保证质量,但总的来说还是远胜于僵硬的寡头体制。Newness in itself is no guarantee of quality, but on balance is far preferable to rigid oligopolies.

这本书不同于我以前所写的书,仅就其新形式而言,就令我深感满意。It was unlike any book I’d written before, and for that newness alone, it was deeply satisfying to me.

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她说,她那不祥的外貌象是给这座住宅的欣欣向荣的气氛投上了一层阴影。" said she, while her ill-omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over the cheerful newness of the house.

冒险,自由,探索人迹罕至的地方,勇攀顶点,享受自然,锻炼体魄,寻求新奇刺激。Adventure, freedom, go where no one has ever been, reach the top, enjoy nature, exercise, the excitement of newness.

沟通是一把能开启新生活的钥匙,为你和你的孩子指明开路。Communication is a key that can solve many problems in this newness of life, it gives you and your child a direction.

矿山公园以其独特性、稀有性,对求新、求奇的旅游者具有很大吸引力。Mine Parks strongly allure the tourists who are seeking for newness and novelty because of its peculiarity and rareness.

让过去的罪恶过犯成为过去吧,因为藉着真心的悔改,上帝赦免我们并且带领我们进入崭新的生活。Let the guilt of the past sins and mistakes go, for with true repentance, the Lord forgives and leads to newness of life.

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孩子是安祥、清新的象征,我们珍视他们的单纯,并称其为天真无邪。Babies has become the symbol of all that is unspoiled, fresh and pure. We cherish their very newness and call it innocence.

“传统”和“新质”融于一体,是评价一部文学史著的基本价值标准。"Tradition" and "newness" melting into a whole, is the basic value standard to evaluate a bookmaking of literature history.

科学的累积进步观在经验方面的表达反映了对理论经验一致性协调力和经验新奇性协调力的追求。The scientific view of accumulative progress shows in empirical aspect the pursuit of empirical identity and empirical newness.