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这些火腿是在山核桃木的火上薰制的。The hams were cured over a hickory fire.

橡子和山胡桃成熟了。The acorn ripens and the hickory nut matures.

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滴答滴答滴,老鼠爬上钟。Hickory dickory clock, the mouse ran up the clock.

类似山胡桃树、橡树和白蜡树的硬木料也是好的燃料。Hard woods such as Hickory , Oak and Ash also burn well.

我可以粗暴的研磨一端的山胡桃木。I could've messed up an end of the hickory while grinding.

早期的飞机设计师和建设者常用灰或山胡桃。Early aircraft designers and builders often used ash or hickory.

现在正是时候,不管你是一颗岩枫还是白枫树----或山核桃树。Now is the time, whether you be rock, or white-maple, or hickory.

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味道象从“希可利农家菜”或什么地儿买回来的东西。It tastes like something you’d buy from Hickory Farms or something.

她爬上赶车的座位,用山胡桃树枝往马背上轻轻抽了一下。She mounted the seat and brought down the hickory limb on his back.

若山胡桃植林地上没有消耗指示物,则牺牲之。If there are no depletion counters on Hickory Woodlot, sacrifice it.

北美山胡桃树,有蓬松的灰色的表面粗糙的树皮和可食用的果儿。North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts.

后来爸把他那根胡桃棍儿使得太顺手,我简直受不了啦。By and by papa got too handy with his hickory and I couldn't stand it.

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他常是做一个缆索拴着一些剥光树皮的山核桃树结来做锚链。He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together.

北美胡桃尤其是山胡桃的的坚壳的果子。Hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories.

山核桃产业是浙江省名特优经济林果业中较为引人注目的一大产业。Hickory industry is one of major special cash forest industries in Zhejing Province.

光滑树皮的北美山胡桃树,有七到九个小叶,有带硬壳的可食用的坚果。Smooth-barked north american hickory with7to9leaflets bearing a hard-shelled edible nut.

九月真是变幻莫测,忙来如山核桃树上的松鼠,闲来却又象懒散缓流的小溪。September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.

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北美树尤其是山树的小的坚壳的果子。Small hard shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories.

北美胡桃树尤其是山胡桃树的小的坚壳的果子。Small hard-shelled nut of north american hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories.

回头看看蒂龙班克斯在山核桃岭的住宅,可以看到他的梦想似乎已经实现。To turn into Tyrone Banks’s subdivision in Hickory Ridge is to find his dream in seeming bloom.