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他们捉住一个扒手。They took up a pickpocket.

一个扒手偷走了他的手表。A pickpocket stole his watch.

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你就是那个加拿大扒手吗?。So, you're our Canadian pickpocket?

掱手在行窃是被捉住了。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

那扒手在行窃时被当场逮住。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

这个扒手在行窃时被当场拿住。The pickpocket was caught in the act.

扒手把他的钱包偷走了。The pickpocket frisked him of his wallet.

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车上穿黑衣服的男人是个三只手。The man in black on the bus is a pickpocket.

扒窃是一门需要沉着、耐心与范儿的艺术A Pickpocket Needs Poise, Patience And Panache

“扒手”被硬拖进警察分局。The pickpocket was haled into the police station.

道奇认为奥立佛还太青涩,去做一个好扒手。Dodger thinks Oliver is too green to be a good pickpocket.

扒手把那位胖旅客的钱全偷走了。The pickpocket relieved the fat passenger of all his money.

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扒手逃走了,群众在后面紧紧追赶。The pickpocket ran off, with members of the public in hot pursuit.

扒手逃走了,群众在后面紧紧追赶。The pickpocket ran off, with members of the public in hot pursuit.

小偷拔脚就跑,正好撞在一个警察身上。The pickpocket started to run away and barged right into a policeman.

不管是什么原因,这对扒手来说都是有用的手段。Whatever the explanation, it can be a very useful tool for a pickpocket.

他们也都不只是口袋小偷的水平——他们是能“从你手中偷走”的大盗。Those aren't pickpocket thefts either -- they're snatched-out-of-your-hands thefts.

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把扒手关押起来只会使他从冷酷无情的恶棍学到更坏的窍门。Locking up the pickpocket only sets him up to learn worse tricks from hardened thugs.

小偷们第一件要掌握的事情就是定位目标。The first thing any pickpocket must master is the ability to determine the location of the target.

你的岳父正给你讲述他在莫斯科挫败扒手的故事---已经能是第五次了。Your father-in-law is telling you that story about foiling the pickpocket in Moscow -- for the fifth time.