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教条主义毁灭我们与上帝之间的爱。Legalism destroys our loving relationship with God.

第二部分是我国税法中的税收法定主义评析。The second part is about tax legalism of china tax law.

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第一部分是税收法定主义的一般分析。The first part is about general analysis of tax legalism.

律法主义将神所钟爱的儿女变为身负重担的奴隶。Legalism turns God's loved children into God's burdened slaves.

罪把信仰与救恩化为律法主义与宗教仪式。Sin turned faith and gospel into legalism and religious rituals.

耶稣并没有教导律法主义,而保罗也没有教导反律法主义。Jesus did not teach legalism and Paul did not teach antinomianism.

宗教律法主义试图利用律法去做超出神要律法所做的事。Religious legalism employs the law to do more than God wants it to.

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韩非是战国末年法家思想的集大成者。Legalism Han Fei is a master of the late Warring States Period were.

第二部分则主要分析了汉魏之际法家思想和主张兴起的背景。In the second part I give an analysis on the background of the occurrence of the Legalism.

第三部分是税收法定主义下我国税法完善的对策建议。The third part is about the advice of tax law improvement under the guidance of tax legalism.

基督教的传统观点是,耶稣摒弃律法,因为那是守法主义的。You get the idea in Christianity traditionally that Jesus rejected the Law because that's legalism.

儒法崇公抑私的公私观的历史影响具有两重性。Confucianism and Legalism outlook on public and private interests had a two-fold historic influence.

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然而,耶稣对法利赛人的严厉谴责,显明他对教条主义毒害人的情况十分重视。Yet Jesus' fierce denunciations of the Pharisees show how seriously He viewed the toxic threat of legalism.

避免像宗教律法主义、宗教道德主义那样以律法作为基督徒善行的动因。Avoid religious legalism and religious moralism, which use the law as motivation for good works for Christians.

短期创始人秦,而法家是官方哲学,撤销墨家和儒家学校。The short founder Qin Dynasty, where Legalism was the official philosophy, quashed Mohist and Confucianist schools.

如果关心我们所看,所听,所摸或所吃的,就被看作像是吹毛求疵或是律法主义了。It has been made to look like nit-picking or legalism for anyone to be concerned over what we see, hear, touch or eat.

宗教律法主义的错失在于不懂得福音才是基督徒遵行律法保持圣洁生活的根本力量与动因。Religious legalism errs by failing to use the gospel to supply the desire and strength to keep the law and live the Christian life.

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第三部分是从税收法定主义原则及税收筹划产生的法律效应两方面来分析税收筹划的合法性。Part Three analyses tax planning's validity from the perspective of principle of tax legalism and the legal effects of tax planning.

它包括课税要素法定原则、课税要素明确原则和程序合法原则。The tax legalism includes the legal principle, the principle of explicitness and the principle of legal proceedings among levy taxes.

儒家和法家的基本目标都是重新统一当时分裂的中国,但是他们采取了不同的方法。The fundamental aim of both Confucianism and Legalism was the re-unification of a then divided China, but they took difference approaches.