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默特尔冷笑了一声。Myrtle gave a brittle laugh.

桃金娘上的白花闻起来很香。The white flowers in the myrtle smell sweet.

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你能桃金娘海滩群众挑选丹吗?。Can you pick Dan out of the Myrtle Beach crowd?

紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

默特尔是一个不会为任何工作浪费时间的人。Myrtle is not one to waste time in any undertaking.

默特尔缩着身子坐在床边哭泣。Myrtle sat huddled on the side of the bed, weeping.

还有更精彩的内容,以默特尔比奇不仅仅是炎热的天气。There's more to Myrtle Beach than just hot weather.

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一个由Brenda贝伦斯花瓶是出于默特尔伍德。A vase by Brenda Behrens is made out of myrtle wood.

桃金娘经常出没在二楼的一间女盥洗室。Myrtle haunts a girls' bathroom on the second floor.

艾丝海堪于1979年,退休于摩陀海滩养老。Elsie Hickam retired to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in 1979.

默特尔比奇公寓租金不仅仅是一个住宿地点。Myrtle Beach apartment rental "is" not just a place to "stay.

混合了柠檬长春花油、茶树油、薰衣草油、杏仁油及麦奴卡油。Contains East Cape Manuka oil, Lemon Myrtle oil, Tea Tree oil.

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了解更多有关美特尔海滩旅游景点,房地产等。Find out more about Myrtle Beach attractions, and real estate.

默特尔海滩度假套餐从所有假日套餐。Myrtle Beach vacation packages from all the holiday packages in.

六月中旬,浮油不断冲刷着路易斯安那州莫特戈鲁夫附近沼泽地的水草。Oil washes into marsh grasses near Myrtle Grove, La., in mid-June.

旧殖民地不动产提供短期出租在Myrtle海滩和瑟夫赛德海滩。Old colony real short-term rentals in Myrtle Beach and Beach Surfside.

我看见一棵紫薇树,应该是佐治亚州最老的树了。I saw a crape myrtle that’s supposed to be the oldest tree in the state.

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默特尔比奇南卡罗来纳州,在一个小房子中间的街道。Myrtle Beach South Carolina, in a little house in the middle of the street.

他们的施与,如同那边山谷里的桂花,香气在空际浮动。They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.

他们施与,就像山谷那边的桃金娘散发芳香。They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.