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这一地区林木繁密。This area is densely wooded.

这个社区人口稠密。The community is densely populated.

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城市建筑密集区分外炎热。Densely build areas of cities trap heat.

暴行常发生在人烟稠密的地区。Violence breeds in densely populated areas.

每平方码密集地聚集着300个。Packed as densely as 300 to the square yard.

我们穿过好几英里茂密的林地。We passed through miles of densely wooded country.

不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous.

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这里人口密集和吵杂,但令人兴奋。It is densely populated and noisy, but very exciting.

海地是一个极度贫穷且人口稠密的国家。The country is desperately poor and densely populated.

具有浓密的簇状白色棉状绒毛或象绒毛的颖。Having densely tufted white cottony or down like glumes.

群集,聚集密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物。A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals.

北温带的一种簇状多年生卷耳。Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone.

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北榄是一个工业城市,人口密度很大。Samut Prakan is an industrial city and very densely populated.

矗立于东大阪的一处人口密集区的中心。Standing in the center of a densely populated area in East Osaka.

这些地区人口稠密,但是地理上十分狭小。These areas are densely populated but geographically quite small.

大脑的神经细胞微小、复杂其包裹得非常浓密。The brain's neurons are small, convoluted and very densely packed.

湖中多岛屿,其中面积最大、人口最多的是塔利姆岛。It is dotted with islands, the largest being densely settled Talim.

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该处船壳板严重腐蚀并密集着锈斑。The shell plating in way was seriously corroded and densely pitted.

一棵枝叶浓茂的柠檬树常年遮蔽住场地的一半。A densely foliated lemon tree permanently shades half the enclosure.

在人口密集的日本和香港,火葬是一种常见的选择。In densely populated Japan and Hong Kong cremation is a common choice.