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尼姆并不总是很乖巧、很可爱和很友好。Nim wasn't always sweet, cute and kind.

马什在继续向我们描述他对尼姆的印象。Marsh goes on to describe his impression of Nim.

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“晚安,你们两个淘气鬼。”尼姆吻了一下莉亚和本杰。"Good night, you two characters. " Nim kissed Leah and Benjy.

尼姆瞪了波尔森一眼,但却按住了怒火,一言未发。Nim glared at Paulsen, but contained his anger, saying nothing.

尼姆和阿黛丝拘谨地交谈了几句,没有别的。Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all.

尼姆一时兴起就拐了进去把菲亚特推向一个空的地方。On impulse, Nim turned in, wheeling the Fiat into one of the empty places.

三人寻找寇思的老朋友,缺意外遭到了一队泞族的伏击。The trio looks for Koth's acquaintance, but are ambushed by a group of nim.

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尼姆打开了两只盒子,发现里面装着合订的报告和信件。Nim opened two of the cartons and found the contents to consist of filed reports and letters.

是「咏春拳学」非常非常重要的基本套路。Siu Nim Tau is the fundamental routine which is of extreme importance in Scientific Ving Tsun.

尼姆觉得哈里·伦敦就差要给他敬一个漂亮的军礼了。Nim had the feeling that Harry London was restraining himself from snapping off a smart salute.

例如,在四年的时间里,有超过六十位的符号语言教师与尼姆一起合作。For example, within the space of four years more than 60 sign language teachers worked with Nim.

结论阿斯匹林与尼莫地平合用有协同抑制血小板聚集作用。CONCLUSION Combination of Asp and Nim had synergistic inhibitory effects on platelet aggregation.

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泰瑞斯把尼姆给了他的一个前研究生,一位脱线式家庭的母亲。Terrace gave Nim to one of his former graduate students, a mother in a Brady Bunch-style household.

尼姆意识到他刚才听到的话正是他上星期三夜里对阿黛丝说的内容。What he had just heard, Nim realized, was in essence what he had told Ardythe last Wednesday night.

在地下娱乐室里,露丝和尼姆并排坐在沙发上,莉娅懒洋洋地躺在地毯上。In the basement recreation room Ruth and Nim sat side by side on a sofa, with Leah sprawled on a rug.

尼姆注意到,在熙来攘往的代表们中间有一张熟脸越来越近。Nim observed a familiar face, moving nearer through the growing increasingly noisy throng of delegates.

第四章详细叙述了卫星接收机NIM模块和USB接口的设计细节。Chapter four narrated the design detail in NIM module and USB interface of satellite receiver in detail.

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随后和本杰的谈话又激起了尼姆时常感到的对他的岳父母的气恼。His conversation with Benjy, which followed, revived the irritation Nim frequently felt about his in-laws.

这时一架公司直升飞机正在来鬼门的路上――就是本来准备接尼姆的那架。By then a company helicopter was on the way to Devil's Gate-the same machine which was to have collected Nim.

马什拍这部片子的另一个原因是围绕这只黑猩猩展开的大量戏剧性场面。Another reason Marsh decided to make Project Nim was the rich seam of human drama that unfolded around the chimp.