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我可能有显点老了,但还没有老到不中用的地步。I may be senescent , I am not yet senile.

地氟醚对于大鼠心肌衰老的作用。Effects of Desflurane in Senescent Rat Myocardium.

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衰老的细胞多种多样,但是它们都失去了继续分裂的能力。Senescent cells are viable but have lost the ability to divide.

这些肿瘤缩小需较长时间但老化的细胞最终消失。Those tumors took longer to shrink but the senescent tumor cells were eventually cleared away.

但他警告说,还需要进一步研究,以了解清除衰老细胞的影响。But he cautions that further research is needed to understand the effects of removing senescent cells.

控制老鼠的饮食热量减少了牠们肝脏和小肠老化细胞的数目。Mice fed a restricted diet had a reduced accumulation of senescent cells in their livers and intestines.

结论石杉碱甲片是治疗良性衰老性遗忘症的理想药物。Conclusion Hup is an ideal drug for symptomatic treatment of patients with benign senescent forgetfulness.

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提示整合素连接激酶可能涉及到老龄肾脏的纤维化过程或衰老过程。The results suggested that ILK might be involved in fibrotic process or senescent process in aging kidney.

研究人员怀疑,细胞出现老化是由肠道细菌产生的某些物质所致。The researchers suspected that these cells were being made senescent by something produced by gut bacteria.

科学家们开始让基因工程小鼠的衰老细胞中有一个特定的分子。The scientists started by genetically engineering mice to have a specific molecule in their senescent cells.

生物素标记法是近年来发展起来的一种分离衰老红细胞的技术。Biotinylation is a new technique which has been developed in recent years to separate senescent erythrocytes.

然后,当研究人员给小鼠注射一种药物,衰老细胞的死亡通路会则被激活。Then, when the researchers gave the mice a drug, the death pathway would be activated in all senescent cells.

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一个细胞中若发现p16Ink4a的存在,该细胞很有可能已经到达自身复制的极限并逐渐停止继续老化。When p16 is found in a cell, that cell is probably reaching its replication limit and grinding to a senescent halt.

在大田条件下以两个不同衰老型花生品种为材料,研究了叶片衰老过程中多胺的变化。The changes of polyamines during peanut leaf senescence of two different senescent type peanut varieties were studied.

成熟根瘤的固氮、吸氢活性明显高于幼瘤和衰老瘤。Nitrogen fixation and hydrogen uptake activities in mature nodule is much higher than that in young and senescent nodules.

故事还得从几年前的一项实验开始讲起,他们观察到衰老的细胞通常会产生一种叫P16INK4A的分子。The story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A.

故事还得从几年前的一项实验开始讲起,他们观察到衰老的细胞通常会产生一种叫P16INK4A的分子。Thee story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A.

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主茎下部衰老叶片的SOD、POD活性明显降低、叶绿素含量减少、光合作用功能衰退。SOD and POD activity descended apparently, and chlorophyll contents and photosynthesis declined in senescent leaves of lower stem.

随着群落的发育和演替,青岩油杉种群年龄结构的变化趋势为增长型→稳定型→衰退型→残留型。Along with development and succession of community, the age structure changes from growing, stabilized, senescent to residual type.

红细胞的老化导致抗原性改变,产生ATP的功能受损使表面抗原老化并令细胞膜失去弹性。As the RBC ages it may change antigenically, acquiring senescent antigens and losing its flexibility due to impaired ATP production.