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你是公司的大台柱。You're the mainstay of the company.

她是我们车间的主心骨。She is the mainstay of our workshop.

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她是我们车间的主心骨。Farming is still the mainstay of this country.

这些保持了专业GIS的核心技术。These remain the mainstay of professional GIS.

另一重点就是中央公积金。The other mainstay is the Central Provident Fund.

抗心律失常药物是治疗的主要手段。Antiarrhythmic drugs have been the mainstay of therapy.

它们全都非常出名,都是电影业的支柱。They are all, you know, very popular. All the mainstay ones.

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专业的科学研究队伍,是科学工作的骨干力量。Professional researchers are the mainstay of scientific work.

事实上,这是许多敏捷开发方法的支柱。In fact, it is the mainstay of many Agile development methods.

历史上,义务兵一直是解放军的中流砥柱。Historically, conscription was the mainstay of PLA recruitment.

长期以来,该体系始终是美国经济增长和繁荣的支柱。It has been a mainstay of American economic growth and prosperity.

SLRMcLaren同时也是世界最昂贵汽车榜单的中流砥柱。SLRMcLaren is also the mainstay on the world's most expensive car list.

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在当今旅行风气很盛的时代,旅游业成了这个国家的主要收益。In these locomotive days tourism has become the mainstay of the country.

船舶工业已成为舟山的支柱产业。The shipbuilding has become the mainstay of industries in Zhoushan City.

我们的军队是无产阶级专政的柱石。Our army is the mainstay of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.

17为统一行动,成立了9.17学习小组,作为英语角的中流砥柱。Sep 17,2010, set up 9.17 learning team as the mainstay of English corner.

社会主义公有制经济是我国国民经济的主体。The socialist state-owned economy is the mainstay of our national economy.

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自以为是公司的台柱,但事实上他是个微不足道的人。He thinks he's a mainstay of the company, but he's really rather small beer.

这种渔船,也叫做卡邦船,是莫肯游牧民族的文化支柱。These boats, called kabangs , are the mainstay of the nomadic Moken culture.

以干扰素和利巴韦林为基础的疗法是目前治疗丙肝的主流。Interferon and ribaviron-based therapy has been the mainstay of HCV treatment.