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圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half.

汤姆气疯了,不过很快又平静了下来。Tome got mad, but soon simmered down.

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“他一定是个头等角色,”汤姆说。"He must be a first-rater, " said Tome.

他的著作试图纠正这个错误。His tome is an attempt to redress the balance.

很多人计画通宵读这本607页的厚书。Many planned to stay up all night reading the 607-page tome.

来电归属地显示,电子书,超长录音功能。Caller address display, E-book, super-long tome sound recording.

贫血的人在喝药时有那些不能吃的?。Is anaemic person drinking drug from time to tome those inedible ?

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教育,教育,还是教育。这是我们文化渊源之所在。Education, education, education! That's what our tome is all about.

他在一个皮革精装的册子了图文说明了他的发现。He wrote down and illustrated his findings in a leather-bound tome.

增幅法典总的来说适合于如果你想把游戏时间拖长并配合幸运短刀。Tome first generally means you are planning for a long game with Kage's.

比如,如果我能说会写,这就是托付给我的财富。For example, if Ican write and speak fairly well, those are talents entrusted tome.

这本288页厚的大部头是我们的最新制作,一页页地浏览过去真是一件赏心乐事。The 288-page tome is our latest production and dare I say it, it's a joy to go through.

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这五个国家是布基纳法索,斯威士兰,马拉维,冈比亚。The five countries are Burkina Faso, Swaziland, Malawi, Gambia, and Sao Tome & Principe.

你甚至可能需要一个工程学位和一本大部头的教科书来弄清楚它们的工作原理。You might even need an engineering degree and an instructional tome to figure out how they work.

同时也希望你们能积极与家人朋友分享这短短的21页。Feel free to share this short, 21-page tome with your family and friends. This is my gift to you.

凭借优秀的服务和质量价格优势,我们的客户遍及中国。大陆、香港、日。本、韩国等国家和地区。With excellent service, low price and high quality, we win cus. tome. rs all over Mainland China,.

文森特在某非洲小国做了一项关于“贿选”的实验。Vicente conducted a randomized, controlled experiment on electoral bribery in São Tomé and Príncipe.

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她同时对行为金融学感兴趣,对我来说很很重要,因为这也是我的兴趣之一。She is also interested in behavioral finance, which is great tome because that's one of my interests.

宫城县登米市早晨测得震度为5弱的地震,余震持续不断。Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture earthquake measured the morning weak degree 5 earthquake, aftershocks continued.

在这大型书本神奇医生也显露三他最内在的古老秘密到有效的精神论。In this tome the mysterious doctor also reveals three of his innermost ancient secrets to effective mentalism.