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反社会人格障碍?Antisocial personality disorder?

体贴的人不应当对干旱斟酌不周。Thoughtful men care not to be antisocial about the aridity.

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这使得反社会行为在混乱的网络中随处可见.That makes it a jungle where antisocial behaviour is common.

体贴的人不应该对乾涝攷虑不周。Thoughtful men ought not to be antisocial about the aridity.

大声放音乐骚扰四邻是破坏社会安宁。Playing music so loudly that it annoys neighbours is antisocial.

那是因为你总是在亭中作为非社交的背面。That's because you were always being antisocial back in the booths.

介绍了精神病和反社会行为的科学事实。Presents the scientific facts of psychopathy and antisocial behavior.

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同情心的缺失会滋生出反社会行为,冷血的谋杀,甚至屠杀。The absence of empathy fosters antisocial behavior, coldblooded murder, genocide.

在英语中,我们把这类不幸的、反社会的群体叫做帕利亚已有大约200年历史。In English we have been calling such unlucky or antisocial entities pariahs for about 200 years.

请不要发诽谤中伤,下流,反社会等不适当的帖子。Please do not post any improper topics such as slander, Pornography and other antisocial topics.

要监听工人告诉任何童话的迹象“反社会行为”,如工会组织?Want to surveil workers for any tell-tale signs of "antisocial behavior" such as union organizing?

这些成为了有反社会倾向的人士的最称手的武器,用来入侵和破坏防御薄弱的网站。All these make wonderful tools for antisocial people who want to invade weak sites and cause damage.

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这些令人震惊、令人发指和反社会的暴力行为在我们心中造成的恐惧,我们应如何解释?How else can we explain shocking, heinous, and antisocial acts of violence that strike fear in our hearts?

不过研究者发现,即使相对好斗的已婚男人,在经过婚礼以后也变得不那么反社会了。But even the more aggressive men who got married became less antisocial after the ceremony, the researchers found.

我们之所以能作为群居动物生存下来,就是因为我们视自私自利为眼中钉、肉中刺,对违反公众利益的行为严惩不贷。We’ve survived as social animals because we are so good at spotting selfishness and punishing antisocial behavior.

“婚姻对减少女人反社会行为的迹象非常不一致”,Burt告诉LiveScience。"The evidence that marriage decreases antisocial behavior in women is pretty inconsistent, " Burt told LiveScience.

换句话说,最后结了婚的男人从前参与反社会活动的可能性较低。In other words, men who eventually got married were less likely to be engaged in antisocial behaviors to begin with.

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比如,最近以色列的一项在人类被试上进行的研究,发现氧毒素也可能增加反社会行为。Recent Israeli research on human subjects, for instance, suggests that oxytocin might also increase antisocial behavior.

甚至有一些有趣的研究表明,这些反社会的行为,通过父母的引导训练,能够改正。There are even some interesting studies suggesting that such antisocial behavior can be modified with parental coaching.

异常的不安定要在南非暴发——这样的担忧困扰着莫措阿莱迪。Motsoaledi seemed troubled by the idea that a particularly abnormal or antisocial kind of unrest was gripping South Africa.